A Third Wave Feminist Icon Discovers There is a Great Controversy Going On

What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics.  Something else, something spiritual must have done that.  And I speak as a devoted rationalist and third generation feminist.

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Part 2: Not As The World Giveth, Give I

Oh come on, it isn’t THAT bad!, you old conspiracy-monger, you toxic doomsayer! You’re an evil demon spewing hate, racism, and disinformation. You’re an embarrassment to our emergent, woke church and a dire threat to evolving utopian society.

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Vatican Urges Religions To Support UN's Sustainable Development Goals

In this strange world of twisted reality, you have the Seventh-day Adventist Church AND the Roman Catholic Church both supporting a global leftist agenda. And the Pope just implied that you are sinning, if you don’t.

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