Ken Ham on Creation and the Seven "C's"

Ken Ham, the impresario behind the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky and the nearby “Ark Encounter” theme park, takes a break from grandiose building projects and returns to basic apologetics.

In this relatively short but wide-ranging video, Ham covers many different topics in the creation/evolution debate, but he starts with the basic problem of meaning. Life has meaning in a biblical worldview, but not in a Darwinist worldview. Richard Dawkins was asked:

“What are your thoughts about the despair that some people feel when they ponder natural selection and random mutation. The idea of evolution and natural selection makes some people feel that everything is meaningless—people’s individual lives and life in general?”

Dawkins responded,

“If its true that it causes some people to feel despair, that’s tough. It’s still the truth. The universe doesn’t owe us condolence or consolation; it doesn’t owe us a nice warm feeling inside. If it’s true, it’s true, and you’d better live with it.”

A Christian’s life has meaning because he knows who he is. We are children of God; our first parents were created by God, after we fell into sin and rebellion against our Creator we were redeemed by Jesus Christ, and we are awaiting Christ’s return and eternal life in a re-created world without sin, disease, predation or death. Death is an intruder that will be done away with.

We Christians know where we stand in history. Ken Ham emphasizes this point with what he calls the seven “Cs”: Creation, Corruption (sin), Catastrophe (the Flood), confusion (of the languages at Babel), Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Currently, we are looking back on the creation, the Fall, the Flood, God’s creation of different nations and languages at Babel, the first Advent, and Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross. We await only Christ’s second Advent, and the consummation of all things.

Much of this is “101” level stuff, perhaps a bit basic for the well-informed creationists who read this blog. But review never hurts.