The Flat Earth Dilemma

On a recent article titled He’s Back, I caused a stir amongst some fellow believers.

I was speaking about anti-trinitarianism and how it’s infecting the SDA Church even at events like the Miller Camp every July. I mentioned flat earthers because I find that no matter how many of them I talk to, these individuals interpret Scripture and EGW writings similarly to anti-trinitarians.

While they are no doubt sincere in their beliefs, we all know that any person can be sincere and still be wrong. I can give many examples from my own life. What changed those things about me? It was Scripture, revealing a loving God who has certain characteristics that never change.  

One of those life-changing truths is that Jesus still loves me even in my occasional unbelief, but He also loves me enough to not leave me in the same condition I was once in. He helps me change and grow.  

 Now I do believe that’s how we should all view each other. Those who closely know me know that I love to joke around. I am humorous because I enjoy laughing. And while I am generally happy and see the positive side of things, I am still aware of the bad things around us.  If you’re like me, it can be very hard to understand and be patient with people who have a different view then our own. 

I have personal friends who are FE (flat earthers ) believers and that’s ok because while we don’t agree we can still be friends. But what begins to hurt the relationship is when one tries to dominate the other’s beliefs.  

I believe ultimate truth is found in Scripture. I also know that we can confuse Scripture to meet our limited understanding, and try and make sense of things that are sometimes are bigger then us. Even Jesus didn’t reveal everything to the Disciples at once. It took time and surrender on their part.

Most of my friends who are FE are non-combative. They love to discuss both sides of the argument and just reason, which is what I love to do. When we do this we can both maintain respect of one another but also learn from each other.  

But then you have the majority of FE zealots. They push and push this theory as a salvational issue. And that’s when I began to pull out the stop sign and blow the whistle. Nowhere in Scripture will we find that a belief in a round or flat earth will get you into heaven or keep you out.  

This is a ploy by the enemy to get us arguing, and distract us from completing our mission together. I believe both sides can in fact work for the good as long as both sides let the Bible lead them. While FE have some points on their theory, the verses that are used are usually taken out of context or are grasped in a literal sense when the real meaning is obviously symbolic.  

The issue with Christian FE is the belief of a flat earth is salvational. For most FE’s, it’s embedded in their teaching. So anyone who subscribes to this teaching has to understand what they are getting into when they believe this.  

Now I have spoken to some FE’s and they have tried to show me various Scripture but I just don’t see it their way. They are taking the Bible out of context.

Both sides have their arguments but some arguments just don’t stand up to the smell test. What I mean is—around 1844 Satan sent a variety of disinformation in revivals to counteract the beginning of the three angels messages and the end of the 2300 day prophecy.  If we believe we are now close to the End of Time, will he not do the same? Like the revivals around the 1840s many were in the way of Christianity, which is what we are told will happen just prior to Jesus coming. The False Prophet (apostate Christianity in the US) will have a great revival and set up the world to wonder after the beast by setting up a Sunday law.  Is it no wonder God’s people are being tested to accept ideas from outside Christianity and make them tests of ones faith and salvation.  

We cannot be distracted in this moment of history. If anyone is forcing others to believe their ideas (like a flat earth) and puts salvational pressure on it, it should be clear that it’s not from God. Like always, show me from the Bible without using semantics, show me teachings and principles or literal interpretations. Not “This is what I think it says. Or, as one person said recently ”I know EGW says it, I just don’t know where.”  They said that Ellen White stated that the sun moves around the earth. But they couldn’t find the quote. Of course they couldn’t—it doesn’t exist!

I love what EGW says on the issue. Notice her response—a response similar to how Jesus responded to people who were trying to trap Him into supporting their agenda. These quotes settle the issue of this argument for me,  

Let those who are presenting theories as to whether the earth is round or flat, leave this question, for God has not given it to them to solve, and earnestly inquire, “What shall I do that I may have everlasting life?” Let them heed the answer, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself” – {21MR 419.6}. 

The Central New England camp meeting opened on Thursday evening, August 25. Ellen White had tarried at the Sanitarium to be present. The tent was pitched about a mile from the Sanitarium and she spoke five times during the camp meeting. She had to contend with a rather erratic church member who was on a crusade to save Seventh-day Adventists from the belief that the world is round. He sought her support for the flat-earth theory. Her answer was: – {5BIO 351.2}.

I have a message to this people in regard to the life they must live in this world to prepare them for future life which measures with the life of God. We have nought to do with the question whether this world is round or flat.—Manuscript 145, 1904. – {5BIO 351.3}

She also noted in her diary, “Last night the Lord gave me words to speak to the people. Satan has a multitude of questions to bring in through various minds and ingenuity as all-important” {5BIO 351.4}.

This is a topic may be debated till Jesus comes, but as for me there is no need for debate as these two quotes say it so succinctly. I don’t need to raise my blood pressure anymore; you don’t need to worry that you may lose heaven because you believe the Earth is round.

Satan is a pro at confusing and separating people. Let’s not let this separate us because frankly IT DOES NOT MATTER.  


Rey Chavez is a Afcoe Graduate and a speaker in his local area. He loves teaching the Bible and doing seminars. He is married to his loving wife Jessica, they have two wonderful kids with twins on the way. He also enjoys discussing the Sabbath School lesson and enjoys discussing biblical topics on his Facebook group called Biblical Thinking.