A Biblical Perspective on Climate Change

To me, the real natural science for Bible founded Christians is this. For the first 1656 years after Creation, the whole world had a subtropical climate. Mango trees grew at the North and South poles.  We know it, for we dig up tropical debris from under the permafrost, and we know there are vast reserves of oil and natural gas under the poles (why do you think Trump wants to buy Greenland?).

Around the year 1656, suddenly, for forty days all hell broke loose and more than 1000 volcanoes like Krakatau, Mount St Helens and Eyjafjallajökull erupted.  The dust was shot up to 60,000 meters and more in the mesosphere, obscuring the Sun for months and resulting in sub zero low temperatures and very heavy snowfall. 

During the same 40 days, the storerooms of water above and beneath broke, and all that water came down, creating landslides, breaking up Pangea, covering the earth by meters. By the drag of those huge amounts of rapidly moving waters, the earth's pole shifted. 

After five months, the sky broke, and sunlight reached the earth's surface, and gradually the water subsided.  Things got, somehow, to a new (sub) normal situation, to the extent that the mid regions of the earth became inhabitable for land creatures again.

The strength of the sun’s rays were not affected by the Flood; that star in our constellation never lost its strength, and from then, during the following 3,500 years, the ice is slowly and gradually melting, gradually raising the earth's temperature.

 What we see happening now is that the melting process reached its acceleration point.  The snow caps are undermined by melting rivers, and things are starting to shift.

The vegetation that once covered the earth had a certain carbon content. We burn up the fossil leftovers of the paleontological vegetation at an unprecedented pace, but the CO2 content will not be more than it originally was.

What has changed is that, as we are heading towards normalisation as far as global temperature and CO2 levels are concerned, the earth is over-tasked by what we have done to her - over-population, ecological damage on an unprecedented way, we think we need all that meat, and we pollute the earth, our bodies with waste and bad food. We have not always been the best stewards.

Christians of All People Should Know This

 Should we do nothing? That's not my point. We should do what we can, for we were appointed heirs and stewards and care-takers.  But we should not scare the daylights out of each other.

Christians should realize, that IF we say we believe in a Creator God, we should know He has the solution. We should know that God does not speak through a man in a white dress living in Rome who has told the world to believe in a Climate Religion, or any other clergy for that matter. God speaks to us from the pages of the Bible. And that Word is telling us loud and clear that this earth WILL pass away.

If we believe He created this one, He certainly can do it again. He says He will. The question to us is, Would you want to live on an earth made new? If your answer is Yes, then get your gear together, for all Biblical signs and prophesies are screaming loud and clear, The End is Near!

 Frenzies and scare tactics are not solutions. Tell Greta Thunberg (Sweden), Alexandria Villasenor (USA), Leah Namugerwa (Uganda), Lilly Platt (Netherlands), Holly Gillibrand (UK), and all other frightened young people, Jesus has the solution already. He is Coming. Be ready. How? Read the Bible!


Ingrid Wijngaarde is a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee in Netherlands Union of Churches Conference. She is a member of Groningen SDA Church, and a senior policy advisor for the Dutch government.