An Open Letter to Light Bearers Ministry

As a long time follower and supporter of Light Bearers Ministry (LBM) I’m seeking clarification regarding a public statement made by founder and Co-Director Ty Gibson. The statement is in support of an Andrews University student who has recently engaged in an on-line defamation campaign against one of her professors.

Since the details of this student’s claim are detailed in the link above, I’ll not comment further on what she said. What I find interesting is Mr. Gibson’s immediate and full-throttled support of this student’s position, even going so far as to say her feelings are “legitimate and righteous.”

Based on what definition of righteousness? I’m assuming Mr. Gibson may have something in mind along the lines of “righteous indignation?” However, can this student’s position, or even feelings, be referred to in unequivocal terms as legitimate and righteous over and against the work of her professor?

What evidence is there for Mr. Gibson’s endorsement of this student’s position? If such evidence exists, further explanation from Mr. Gibson regarding how he came to his conclusions might be helpful.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Evidently Mr. Gibson can know it! At best I see this as a naive emotional response to a person and situation that Mr. Gibson has no guiding knowledge of, and at worst an endorsement of her slanderous social justice tactics

.I am asking LBM to offer clarification regarding their apparent support, vis a vis Mr. Gibson, of the principles this student stands for. Is she, and the mindset she represents, the kind of approach LBM can unreservedly support?

Loren Smith


"Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?" (John 7:51).