What a Blessing to Be Part of The Family of Faith!

My husband and I are part of a very small group (8) that worships every Sabbath here in DownEast Maine. The membership of 5 of us is in a church that became more or less Spanish speaking.

Health Crisis

When my husband, Stan, experienced chest pain 4 days ago, I had to rush him to the hospital. I contacted the members of our little group and asked them to pray for him. My parents are Adventists, so we asked them as well. Stan's mom and siblings are Catholic (un)-believers and we didn't want candles to be lighted on his behalf.

After Stan was transported to EMMC and more tests were run, we were informed that “There is some blockage of the LAD, but that stents may not be necessary.”

I became very worried. LAD, that's the so-called "widow maker" of the coronary arteries.

I wondered who else I could call on to pray. 

For about 2 years, Stan and I are religiously 😊 visiting F7 on Friday evenings. We appreciate the information in the articles as well as the comradery among the discusssion commentators. F7 had become our "church family" in several ways. 

Then I knew who to ask for prayer - members of our F7 church family!  

I quickly posted a couple of "off topic" replies, requesting prayer, and hoped that others might see it and pray as well. 

Not too long before his heart catheterization, I checked our emails. I opened the one from Disqus that advertises great conversations on F7. At least 2 of the conversation examples included my prayer request.

We were overwhelmed. Our prayer request had gone worldwide. 

After the procedure we knew why all the prayers were needed. 100% blockage of the LAD. Three stents. No cardiac history. 

We are so thankful to God for the family of faith we have found on F7. Thank you to every family member that lifted up Stan before the throne of God. 

What a blessing to be part of the family of God!

Andrea and Stan Kotlow


[From all of us at Fulcrum7:

This is so encouraging to hear. 
We only need a couple testimonies like that per year to make everything we do worthwhile.
Praise God, and may He bless you and Stan richly.]