Dear Liberal Adventism, Your Fascination With Deviant Sexuality Is Showing

Blending Adventism and Pride Month is like mixing used motor oil with fresh orange juice. It’s like mixing different blood types, no, it’s like mixing holy things with profane. Or all of the above.

And that’s just what we see in a new pro-LGBTQ book titled The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists: A Theological Conversation About Same-Sex Marriage, Gender, and Identity. It’s by defrocked bi-sexual ex-pastorette Alicia Johnston.

It could easily have been titled, Why Righteousness is Outdated and Cultural Relevance is Awesome.

Alicia Johnston announced that she was bi-sexual four years ago. She was removed from her job as a pastor by the Arizona Conference, after they lavished praises upon her for being a gifted theologian.

Spectrum Magazine celebrated this new book last week in honor of Pride month. Of course they did.

The Bottom Line

Liberal adventism (notice the lower case) has made up it’s mind. It likes homosexuality.

Not necessarily the act(s) of homosexuality, but they like rebellion and the unholy excitement that it brings to their dry, lukewarm lives.

They like the way that it shakes people’s confidence in the Bible as the Word and will of God Almighty. This allows them to recommend culture as a trustworthy canon.

They like the way that it changes people’s theology. After all, what is theology if not defined by our own will?

They love that they have the power of the state on their side as they seek to force you and your children to celebrate deviancy. Wait. I thought using the power of the state was real bad, the eschatological smoking gun of the Great Controversy. No, that’s so last century. Liberal adventism has exchanged prophecy for justice, and justice can be any sin that you want to celebrate in this new cultural paradigm.

They like the way it makes them feel more loving. And if you are more loving, you are more moral, right? Of course. Love is love (Alicia Johnston’s own hashtag), and anyone who prefers the biblical view of sexuality is pretty much a hater, and haters won’t go to heaven. So there.

Liberal adventists like celebrating stuff. It gets your heart rate up, and is way more exciting than humbling yourself in this anti-typical Day of Atonement. Its…it’s…it’s like dancing around an idol at the foot of Sinai.

Yes, it is almost exactly like that.

God calls us to honor Him and yield our lives to His Law in these last days. At the foot of this almighty pinnacle, a mixed multitude among us is dancing around the rainbow idol of deviancy. They call it pride. And so does God (Proverbs 15:25; Isaiah 63:10).

An humble heart is a perfect parchment for God to write His Law. It is victorious vellum for the pen of the Master Writer. God is calling together a people who love Him and will walk where walks—biblical Adventism.

Liberal adventism likes how celebrating sexual deviancy gives them an identity. Confused people struggle with identity, often feeling wishy one day and washy the next.

Biblical Adventism knows who they are and where they are going. Sin-loving adventism is lost. “But this is who I am.” No, this is who you have become in your pride. You have lost your way.

Ask God to separate you from lies. Ask Him to distinguish between good and evil for you (Hebrews 4:12).

Dear liberal adventism. Don’t be fascinated by axiological sexual rebellion. Be astounded that you were ever drawn to it. Be courageous enough to renounce it from your heart. Cry out to God, cry for your sins and those you have strengthened in sin. Fall on your face before Him, be separated from your idols, and be restored by repentance. Be made joyful by the new writing in your humbled heart (Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 10:16). You are needed in God’s Kingdom, you can be an Adventist (upper case). We can do it together.

Let us repent of our evil confusion, and let us be refreshed with the pure things of God, and reject the deviant. Down with pride month. Up with an humble eternity.

That will lead us to hate things that God hates (like the axiological rebellion of deviant sexuality), and love what He loves. It will mingle our lives with the right blood type, the all powerful blood of our Savior. Praise Him!


“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them” (Hebrews 10:16).