Religious Liberty Threatened in Australia: No Jab, You Can't Serve In Church

On December 16, Craig Gillis, Conference Secretary of the Victorian Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Australia sent a letter to pastors and church leaders.

In the letter, Gillis stated that all volunteer officers in the churches “must be fully vaccinated to undertake their responsibilities.”

  • This would include nominated individuals such as local Teasurer, elders, deacons, Sabbath School teachers, greeters, personal ministries etc. Pastors can preach, but all nominated officers must be vaccinated in order to attend and serve their house of worship.

  • Furthermore, the local church must obtain and keep a record of COVID vaccination information of appointed church volunteers in order for them to perform their responsibilities.

  • When we became aware of this development, we searched official church websites in Australia for information on this matter. Nothing. We also spoke with informed individuals in Australia to confirm the story, people who are directly impacted by these government/conference actions.

  • Think back to November 2019. This type of liberty-crushing mandates on innocent people would have been absolutely unheard of in western culture. This makes the Church an enforcing arm of a dictatorial State, which is itself a serious violation of religious liberty. It also violates a crucial separation between the two entities, creating a conduit of cooperation against innocent church members. This unholy conduit, once it is established, may be used again in the future to override the consciences of those whom the church should be protecting (1 Samuel 22:9—19).

  • Last Thursday, Gerry Wagoner (Ohio), Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick (Michigan), Captain Graham Hood (Australia) and Pastor Liam Koutros (Australia) came together in a Zoom meeting to discuss this invasive mandate in Australia, and the implications of our church’s Religious Liberty departments’ unwillingness to challenge these encroachments into personal and religious freedom.


LARRY THE GUY FROM MICHIGAN CHANNEL: Larry Kirkpatrick also offers the Open Hands audio Podcast twice a week at, which addresses he rapid increase in soft totalitarianism enveloping our world.
