Frankfurt Declaration: Religious And Civil Liberty Still Matters

Today’s postmodern politicians are as determined as any government in history to intrude into matters that pertain to Christ. They impose moral standards that are hostile to biblical principles. They use their bully pulpits to portray biblical values as a threat to the very existence of humanity. They champion and even subsidize those who want to indoctrinate children with overtly anti-Christian ideologies. They churn out executive orders, regulatory agencies, and arbitrary requirements that would hinder or halt the work of the church.

The COVID years simply made Caesar’s strategy undeniably obvious. Government restrictions required churches to refrain from gathering while casinos and massage parlors were allowed to operate. Government officials looked the other way when leftist protestors were given free rein to gather and even riot, but those same officials aggressively worked to keep churches closed.

Western governments (including our own) have already established themselves as enemies of Christ by legalizing abortion; demanding that homosexuality be encouraged and celebrated; refusing to recognize God-given gender distinctions; sanctioning same-sex marriage; and promoting the barbaric, pagan mutilation of children.

The exposure of all this is a major problem for churches that have tried to compromise with the world. Some of them will simply deny the truth more openly. (Some are already doing that.) Those who will not compromise in order to mollify Caesar should consider signing the Frankfurt Declaration.

In the spring of 2021, pastors from different countries came together to draw up a joint declaration in response to the Covid measures of many states. The result is the Frankfurt Declaration of Christian and Civil Liberties (‘Frankfurt Declaration’), which was presented to the public on 28 August 2022 near Frankfurt, Germany.

A few concerned pastors from different continents, moved by an emerging totalitarianism of the State over all realms of society, and particularly the Church, and the disregard of God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights during the Covid crisis, joined in common cause to craft this solemn declaration, which seeks to address these threats with the timeless truths of God’s Word.

The following affirmations and denials, derived from biblical principles, is put forth for consideration by all Christians and relevant authorities, in the hope that this document will give light and strength for faithful witness to Jesus Christ in our day.

Here’s the Frankfurt Declaration:

You can sign this document if you feel to do so, by clicking on the above links.

The Frankfurt Declaration is not a politicisation of the gospel (quite the contrary!) nor is it a call for strife and division in the church or for unlawful rebellion against the state. Not at all. It is meant to provide truth and grace for Christians to be a faithful witness to Jesus Christ in our time.

May God graciously use it in this way for His glory.


“Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19–20).