What's The Big Deal About Conversion/Reparative Therapy? (Part 1)

On Thursday, March 24th at 6:00 PM Pacific time and 8:00 PM Central, I’ll be the guest on 3ABN’s Thursday Night Live program. The topic is “Conversion and Reparative” therapy. During the second hour, you’re invited to call in with questions.

In 2009, I sat in my bedroom contemplating God’s Word and my destiny. I was raised with God’s inspired truth. However, I didn’t know how to make a practical application, as out of nowhere, it seemed Same-Sex Attraction arrived without invitation.  How could this have happened?

My research led me to the revelations of Lucifer’s dissatisfaction with God’s divine plan. Pride and jealousy would lead to not only his departure from God, but also included a third of heaven. His campaign efforts must have been convincing to deceive these “holy beings.” “Since their natures were holy, he urged that the angels should obey the dictates of their own will” (GC, page 495).


Ironic isn’t it? “Gay pride.” It leads us back to Lucifer’s discontent and its consequences.

Before your natural reaction, influenced by today’s culture raises ire, thinking I’m against LGBT+ people, let me confirm that I am directly interested in reflecting the very love and compassion that God demonstrated toward me in my confused state of mind after living in the LGBT+ culture for forty years.

As I prayed and asked God to open my eyes, I recognized that my focus shifted in my youth, toward myself, instead of living to honor and obey Christ. Central to anything that distracts us from the trustworthiness of Jesus, is the concentration of self.

Upon my return to Christ, I was hypersensitive to any suggestion that I was now, or would become heterosexual, as opposite sex erotism is not present in my life.

Even in 2009, there was this big buzz about “Conversion and Reparative” therapies.  I quickly took allegiance with the LGBT+ community who was providing the therapy definitions as being techniques that were aversive and extremely harmful. They sounded barbaric. And I pretty much left it at that.

Incredibly, I’ve lived in that mindset for the last twelve years, not realizing I’ve been victim of LGBT+ smokescreens. In fact, I’m pretty sure many self-identified LGBT+ people aren’t aware of the fact that many of them are victims of these smokescreens designed by militant activists seeking to criminalize the freedom of choice, and stomp out religious freedom.

Many young people have committed their lives to Christ at a young age. When same-sex attraction, or gender confusion inconsistent with Scripture invade their lives, they often opt for a world that leads to LGBT+ pride and activism.

One of the phrases I share with audiences today, is, “Without Jesus, you can do whatever you like.”   However, if I’m seeking Jesus, and I desire to honor Him, He leads me to deny myself for Him and pick up my cross daily, surrendering my appetites and passions. I haven’t always been successful since my re-dedication to Jesus, yet, I find He is my ONLY hope. He promises via Philippians 1:6 that He will finish the work He began in me. I’m never speaking, writing or sharing from a position of perfection. However, I am always pointing to the righteousness of Jesus that He promises can be resident in my life with Him.

Coming to Christ or being baptized doesn’t end our battle with sin. I’m a passionate advocate for God’s “love and truth” message. As Adventists, we’ve often become sedentary in the light and truth, yet haven’t been nearly as demonstrative in the love and compassion with someone on their journey to holiness. Forty years of living in an intense, self-centered, LGBT culture, left me scarred.

Returning to Christ had some instantaneous and miraculous results in my life. However, the fight with the flesh is very real. Today, I seek to encourage people, whether or not their history includes LGBT+ identities.

God has not left or forsaken you. We need more ministries, as well as compassionate leadership and church members who will unite in James 5:16. We need to share our weaknesses and pray for the healing that is promised.  Your failure, or my failure does not invalidate the gospel of Jesus. He designed salvation, redemption and restoration for you and me.

Complacency isn’t redemptive. Being alienated and ostracized is damaging and counterproductive. We all need reconciliation and restoration in Jesus.

Conversion & Reparative Therapy

For twelve years, I’ve warded off the idea of Conversion and Reparative therapy, believing in the myths, distortions and claims of LGBT+ activists.

Four months ago, I happened to be browsing YouTube for ex-gay testimonies, when I believe I was led to this interview between Andrew Rodriguez, (a Christian mental health specialist) and Krista Bontrager, known as “Theology Mom.” The interview was entitled, “A closer look at Ex-gay ministries.”

The discussion begins to analyze four distinct positions that Christian churches face as they relate to how they handle the LGBT+ topic. It only takes a few minutes to recognize the chaos that exists. Jason Thomspon, Director of Portland Fellowship, an Ex-gay ministry, accurately reflects these four positions.

1.      The “Revel” position concludes that Gay partnership is perfectly normal. Identity is “Gay-compelled.” I was born this way. There is an assumption that there is no need to seek out root causes, or seeking out healing.  

2.      The “Resist” position is “Gay Identified.” Some vow to be obedient, yet with an unchangeable affliction. Some chose to be abstinent yet embrace a gay identity. The idea of exploring roots, or seeking healing is considered burdensome. There are also those that combine these two columns with an idea that God will accept “gay monogamy.”  

The North American Division publication, “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones” was written within the concepts of these two columns. 

3.      Then there is the “Renounce” column. In the interview, Andrew speaks about this column, and I quickly recognize this is where I’ve been settled for the last twelve years.  Here is where a person surrenders their temptations and desires. Even those temptations and desires may be considered sinful. We run the risk of that as the book of James helps us recognize times where contemplating lust leads down a sin-driven road. In this position, a person relinquishes a gay identity and lives in surrender. Repentance is key, and a person agrees with Scriptural ethics. Remarkable and necessary, yet kind of a dead stop. Not seeing clearly beyond surrender. This is where I have been living. However, I’ve been sensing a need for more… more healing, and more victory in Jesus. 

4.      Rebuild. As Andrew Rodriguez discussed this forth column, I instantly recognized that I hadn’t fully considered or recognized this concept. This is not a “Conversion and Reparative” therapy column, but a “Rebuild” column. This could include Christian mental health counseling that coincides with a scriptural approach. As Andrew shares, if you’ve come to Christ, choosing to leave the LGBT+ world, why wouldn’t you want or desire the integrity of God’s original design? 

He then shares that on the road to recovery, experiencing the fullness of healing God intends for you, that there’s no guarantee you’ll categorically move from gay to straight behaviorally, but that you’re on a continuum of healing, led by the Holy Spirit. Given my personal history in the LGBT+ culture, I recognize that healing is going to be a life-long journey. While I have failed Jesus in my recovery, I am on this narrow path to His kingdom, choosing to live in agreement with Him and getting up when I’ve failed Him. Unlike some of His “believers,” He doesn’t leave or abandon us. Proverbs 24:16.

In the interview, Andrew said something that made perfect sense. If, as a result of sin, one has developmentally come to a position of failure in experiencing God’s design and plan for you, as a surrendered believer, isn’t God capable of bringing you developmentally into the healing that He desires for you? Why stop by surrendering temptations and desires alone? Why not seek out skilled professionals who, with the power of prayer and mental health counseling, can help you achieve God’s goals for you?  Why wouldn’t you want to “Rebuild” your life with Him? This is “Reintegrated” therapy.

As Adventists, we have often steered clear of messages of “Grace,” thinking that it might be seen as presumption. Truly, there are those who are comfortable in their sin, presuming that God knows their desperately wicked heart… and that He’s okay with it.  However, “Grace” is equivalent to strength.

Don’t you want to help those who at times, feel like they are drowning in sin?  Humility and meekness, resident in like-minded Christian brothers and sisters, lays the groundwork for genuine healing and walking with our compassionate Savior. Choosing Him, over sinful behaviors.  Victory is possible through Jesus.

Andrew Rodriguez is quick to expose the lies, myths and strawmen attacks of LGBT+ activists, claiming aversive tactics under the guise of “Conversion therapy.” The longer I listened to Andrew, the more I wanted all that Jesus promises.

What Is Conversion Therapy?

So, who defines “Conversion therapy?”  There is no federal, state, or recognized institution that teaches an accredited course of “conversion” modalities that eventually certifies you as a “Conversion therapist.”  This opens the door widely for anyone to come along and tag whatever they wish as a definition of “Conversion therapy.” 

As such, it has become a world-wide phenomenon leading to criminalization laws, strictly based on conjecture and one’s “feelings.” Activists have campaigned with legislative lobbying, bringing bills and claims before governments which impede upon both freedom of speech and religious freedom. This includes praying with someone who is voluntarily seeking to leave LGBT+ culture for Jesus Christ.

There are many self-constructed definitions of “Conversion Therapy.” However, here is one from Merriam Webster,

The use of any of various methods (such as aversive stimulation or religious counseling) in an attempt to change a person's sexual orientation to heterosexual or to change a person's gender identity to correspond to the sex the person has or was identified as having at birth. Note: Conversion therapy is generally regarded as having no scientific basis and as being both ineffective and harmful.”

Wait… What just happened to the separation of church and state?

Stay tuned for part 2



Wayne Blakely is the Director of Know His Love Ministries. www.knowhislove.org. After living in the LGBT+ culture for nearly forty years, he surrendered to Jesus ten years ago and today seeks humility in Jesus, sharing His “love in truth” message.