Rocky Mountain Conference Cancels Stephen Bohr

Breach of Trust

Dear Reader, for the sake of making a point, please go along with me and suspend disbelief, just for a moment. We'll pretend I'm a widower with a baby.   

I'd like to make an agreement, personally, between you, Dear Reader, and myself.  I have decided to build a home, and when I get it done, it will be valued at about $2 million. 

Now, I have concerns about what I will happen to that home if my dementia (No comments, please!) gets worse and I make wrong decisions, and I lose it.  I want to know that if I fail, my 2 month-old child will still become the owner when he achieves maturity.  So, I make an agreement with you.  I will pay for everything, I will do the work, I will do the upkeep, I will remodel when it needs remodeling, but I’m going to put everything in your name.  All the legal papers say it’s in your name.  I trust you to see to it that my child will end up owning the home. 

Instead of following the understood agreement we have, you decide you want to start telling me exactly what I can and can’t do on the property.  E.g., you don’t like incandescent bulbs, I must use only LEDs.  You don’t like that I’m going to put in a wood fireplace, you insist I put in an electric fireplace.  And you inform me that you are the legal owner.  And, if I don’t do as you say, you will change the locks on the door, and if necessary you will call the police and charge me with trespassing on your property!  I trusted you, we had an understanding and a mutual purpose for our agreement, and you have now breached my trust! 

Now, no longer suspend disbelief.  Believe me, that’s exactly what we do with the church and church school properties that we put our money our dreams, our blood, sweat, and tears into!  We pay the bills, we do the work, but the properties are legally in the name of the Rocky Mountain Conference.  Which is good!  We have a duty and desire to protect church properties for the gospel mission in the event of apostasy by future members, or if the church ceases to exist.  There are also the tax considerations. 


The Golden SDA Church invited Stephen Bohr to come to their Church and present a seminar.  In February of this year, 2022, the Rocky Mountain Conference Administration barred ANY Conference entity from:

"The Rocky Mountain Conference, and by extension any church, school, or other entity affiliated with RMC, will not invite Stephen Bohr or any ministry affiliated with him to speak at any of our events, nor allow our facilities to be used by him, and as it is a violation of copywritten material for him to use our name when specifically instructed not to do so, he may not use our name or the name of any entity of the Conference, whether written or recorded, in any of his materials.:  

Now, I will share the emails between the Conference Administration and the Golden Church and between myself and Elder Thurber.  I have permission to share from the Golden Church, and I gave notice to Elder Thurber I might very well do so. 

At issue is, what right does the Conference have to tell me what I must believe, what I can explore, what I can share, outside of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs which I accepted when I joined the Church? 

My personal, subjective belief is that the prohibitions being enforced are being used to advance an agenda, women's ordination.  The first prohibited topic is headship, pretty obvious, and the second is last generation theology, just a convenient target because a large percentage of those who believe 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 as written in the Word also believe in LGT.


 First, emails between the Conference Administration and the Golden Church:

Letter from the Rocky Mountain Conference to Golden Church Board:

“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord. Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who care for my people: “You have scattered my flock and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil deeds, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:1-2).



Ben A. Trujillo is a lifelong member (75 years old) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  He has been a serving Elder for 58 years, and has taught an Adult SS Class for 57 years.  Ben grew up in Green River, Wyoming, attended the Rock Springs Church.  He now lives in Loveland, Colorado, and attend the Campion Church.  Ben worked on the Union Pacific Railroad for ten years, and has operated three different businesses.  He started drawing his railroad pension fourteen years ago, and is currently running a windshield repair business full-time.