Trinity, Godhead, Catholics, and Adventists: Interview with Steve Wohlberg

Fulcrum7’s Gerry Wagoner recently interviewed Steve Wohlberg about his new book Satan’s War Against the Godhead. Here is the interesting interview,

Gerry: One raging controversy within Adventism these days is being fueled by anti-trinitarians. Some have even left our church over this issue. I understand that you have been researching this conflict?

Indeed I have. I have studied this issue prayerfully and carefully, not only because the truth about the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit is central to my own relationship with Jesus, but because I also have friends who are sincerely wrestling with this topic. After witnessing this conflict firsthand, I believe God led me to write my newest book, Satan’s War Against the Godhead, which has just been printed. White Horse Media also just released a short video about it. 

2. How widespread is this problem?

Very widespread. A growing network of anti-trinitarian speakers, websites, books, and videos are now teaching views I consider to be unbiblical. A few months ago, a man told me that six families left his church in Oklahoma over this. Someone wants to translate my book into Bulgarian to help people there. An elder I know recently resigned over this. Another church nearby closed. Ted Wilson has addressed it. Intense agitation currently exists over this topic, with no sign of it letting up any time soon. 

3. Is anti-trinitarianism a fad or has it been percolating for a long time and just recently broke through to the surface?

Debates about the Godhead are as old as Christianity, but it sure seems that this issue has of late become a renewed source of contention among Adventists particularly. Satan seems to be stepping up the heat to create more controversy and division among us. 

4. What are the primary arguments against the trinity?

The first argument of Anti-Ts is against the term “trinity” itself. Strictly speaking, it simply means “tri-unity.” Yet a Catholic Answers website, in an article entitled, “Explaining the Trinity,” says it means that “the Father eternally generates the Son,” “the Son is passively generated of the Father,” and that “the Father and the Son actively spirate the Holy Spirit,” whatever that means. The same article also says the Father and the Son are “not two beings” but “one in being.”

Our Adventist pioneers opposed such teachings. Due to its unfortunate baggage, when some Adventists even hear the word “trinity” they automatically think: ROME. But if one defines “trinity” simply as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit being united in mind, character, and purpose, I can live with that. That said, due to present controversies, I much prefer the word “Godhead” because it not only appears in Scripture (Acts 17:29; Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9; KJV/NKJV), but is also used many times in the Spirit of Prophecy. For instance:

The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.” RH, May 2, 1912

The Bible also says: “There are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word [Jesus, see John 1:1], and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” 1 John 5:7 (NKJV). I realize many think 1 John 5:7 doesn’t belong in the Bible and was added by Erasmus in the 1500s. After looking at both sides of this debate, I now believe 1 John 5:7 is God’s Word. One reason is because old Waldensian Bibles (long before Erasmus) contained the full 1 John 5:7. I devote an entire chapter in my book to this controversy. The text says: “There are three … the Father, the Word [Jesus], and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one [united].” EGW herself confirmed this basic truth when she wrote: “There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized … ” Special Testimonies, Series B, Vol. 7, p. 39 

Common arguments against these truths are: 

  1. The trinity comes from Rome.

  2. Our pioneers opposed the trinity.

  3. 1 John 5:7 was added to the Bible.

  4. Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 1, only speaks of the Father and His Son, with no mention of the Holy Spirit.

  5. 1 Cor. 8:6 and Eph. 4:6 both say there is “one God” who is “the Father,” not three.

  6. The Holy Spirit is “the Spirit of God” and “the Spirit of Christ” (Rom. 8:9), thus He can’t be a separate divine Person.

  7. Jesus is the “only Begotten Son of God” which means He must have had a beginning in eons past—being birthed or generated by the one true God (the Father). Thus He can’t be a Supreme Divinity fully equal to His Father.

Based on these arguments, many Anti-Ts contend:

1) There is only ONE TRUE GOD—the Father.
2) There are only TWO primary beings in heaven: The Father and His Son. To many Anti-Ts, the teaching that there are “three living persons in the heavenly trio” is anathema, Catholic, and ultimately, pagan.  

One problem with the Anti-T view is that the Word of God says “three.” 1 John 5:7, and Jesus Himself said we should baptize “in the name of the Father [1], and of the Son [2], and of the Holy Spirit [3].” Matt. 28:19. Not only that, but the SOP plainly says: “There are three [3] living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers—the Father [1], the Son [2], and the Holy Spirit [3]—those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized.” Special Testimonies, Series B, Vol. 7, p. 39. Some Anti-T’s seem willing to even die for their views, but what saith the Lord? To me, the above quotes (and there are many others) speak loudly for themselves.  

5. I have wondered if a general sentiment of waning accountability in the church has encouraged people to seek tangents. This could be one of them.

Perhaps. On the other hand, many of those who have been influenced by Anti-T speakers, books, websites, and videos have zero interest in becoming accountable to the organized SDA church, which they often see as being now totally apostate and in sync with Rome. On the other other hand, it is very unfortunate that some who, after having being shown Bible verses about the Father being the one true God, and have sincerely wrestled with these issues, haven’t been patiently dealt with. I fear some are no longer with us because they were unwisely and prematurely axed, without prayer and proper dialog. In many cases, I think there is a better way. Yes, this issue has become a tangent leading away from our mission and message, but on the other hand, it also deals with the core doctrine of God, which is center stage in Scripture.  

6. Some people take the position that anything Catholics do is automatically verboten.  What is the problem with that approach to life? 

This seems a bit extreme to me. On the other hand, we must always beware of “that man of sin” (2 Thess. 2:3), the beast (Rev. 13:1), and the Harlot Mother (Rev. 17:5). Since Rome mixes truth and error, there are a few truths there … such as, Catholics generally believe Jesus died for our sins … That said, we need not look for a few true needles in a haystack of delusion. As to the word trinity, yes, it is used by Rome; but again, if we define the term ourselves according to its actually meaning (tri-unity) and apply it to “three living persons” and “the heavenly trio” of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19) who are united in mind, character and purpose, I can live with that. Then again (this is my personal opinion), I think we would be better off not using the word at all and sticking with Scripture. To me, this is a safer path. After all, Ellen White herself never used the word “trinity” even once. We should soberly consider this. So should Anti-Ts who seem obsessed with talking a lot about a term that the SOP never used. 

7. Some say that many SDA pioneers were anti-trinitarian. Is that accurate? 

Yes, but as I said earlier, they mostly opposed a philosophical, highly speculative, and unbiblical Roman Catholic trinity. That said, our pioneers also grew in their knowledge of truth as they kept searching God’s Word (see Prov. 4:18)—especially as more light came from the Spirit of Prophecy. I have closely studied EGW’s writings during the Kellogg crisis in the early 1900s and discovered that, more than at any other time, the Holy Spirit led her to write about “the Godhead,” “the heavenly trio,” “three living persons,” and the Holy Spirit as “the Third person of the Godhead.” These statements brought a flood of light to Adventists during that time. Unfortunately, Anti-Ts sometimes twist SDA history by teaching that Kellogg brought trinitarianism into Adventism, and that we are now apostate for accepting it—which is a cunning lie from the serpent. The truth is that, while again, EGW never used that word, she did clarify the truth about the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit at that time. Anti-Ts should humbly take a closer look at what EGW actually wrote in the early 1900s. If they do, they will discover new light previously hidden from their minds through false interpretations of the Kellogg era. My book has two chapters that treat this topic: “Pioneers and Pantheism,” and “Alpha, Omega, ‘Meet It!” 

8. What became meaningful to you in your research on this topic? 

Many things, but one part was taking a closer look at John 17:3, which is a key text used by Anti-Ts. Upon deeper analysis, I realized John 17:3 actually says that “eternal life” comes from knowing both the Father AND Jesus Christ. Yes, the Father IS “the only true God,” but so is His Son who perfectly reveals Him (see Heb. 1:3, 8; John 1:1; 1 John 1:1-3, 5:20). “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30), said our Lord in the same book of John. EGW also describes a scene where a formerly lost person approached a missionary in heaven and said, “I was a heathen in heathen lands. You left your friends and comfortable home and came to teach me how to find Jesus and believe in Him as the only true God.” RH, Jan. 5, 1905 

Notice the date of that last quote. 

It was written in the wake of the Kellogg crisis. 

The core issue is: What is the relationship between the Father and His Son? In heaven, Lucifer grew jealous of Jesus, so the Father called a special meeting of the angels that “He might set forth the true position of His Son and show the relation He sustained to all created beings.” PP, p. 36. Then He set Jesus forth as equal with Himself. “No!” Lucifer protested. “The exaltation of the Son of God as equal with the Father was represented as an injustice to Lucifer, who, it was claimed, was also entitled to reverence and honor.” PP, 37. It was Lucifer’s stubborn rejection of Christ being fully equal with the Father, and his evil desire to demote Jesus, that sparked the entire great controversy! This same issue often underlies Anti-T conflicts today. Like His Father, our Lord Jesus Christ also is the great “I AM” (John 8:58), is “self-existent” (DA, 469), and Supremely God. Notice carefully: “Jehovah is the true God. Let Him be feared and reverenced.” EGW, Bible Training School, Jan. 1, 1908. “Jehovah is the name given to Christ.” ST, May 3, 1899 

9. How can people get a copy of your book? 

From White Horse Media. They can order online, or by calling 1-800-782-4253.

 10. Any closing thoughts? 

Yes. Ephesians 4:6 is often quoted by Anti-Ts because it plainly says there is “one God and Father of all.” But notice closely. Verse 4 says there is “one Spirit,” and verse 5 says there is “one Lord,” who is Jesus. Thus Eph. 4:4-6 also plainly reveals the Godhead: the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (the third Person of the Godhead). Vs. 4 also says there is “one body”—which is the church. The entire section is about unity inside God’s church, and it surely isn’t God’s will that we divide verse 6 from verses 4 and 5, or that we become divided by vs. 6 itself. Read the whole chapter of John 17. Yes, Jesus called His Father “the only true God,” but then He prayed for us to be united, just as He is “one” with His Father (verses 11, 21-23). 

If we love Jesus, we will not only lift Him higher and higher (not bring him lower), but also humbly seek to answer His earnest prayer for unity among His people based on what He did for us all on that cruel Roman cross.


 Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media, and the author of Satan’s War Against the Godhead. He is the author of 40+ books, including God’s Last Message: Christ our Righteousness. Pastor Steve also teaches two online courses, Sprouting with Steve (about health) and Grow Your Money With God (Christian stewardship). White Horse Media’s YouTube channel contains many more “present truth” biblical messages. Its online Bible school is also great for sharing with the public.