Climate Change and the Church. Are We Ready For What is Coming?

There is storm cloud gathering on the horizon. It has been building for over 50 years and is now a hurricane—a destructive one. It is radical environmentalism, and its cultic religious offspring, Climate Change.

This panel discussion addresses several important topics, including church groups making Climate Statements (Adcom etc..) Laudato Si, the United Nations, the Papacy, and climate alarmism. Where is this all is headed?

Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick, Marko Kolic, and Gerry Wagoner are joined in this invigorating discussion by two renown experts in the field of environmentalism and climatology— Dr. Calvin Beisner, and Dr. David Legates.

We believe you will find this discussion about the church and climate change fascinating and extremely informative.


What is behind climate change ideology (CCI)?

How does CCI enter a religious denomination?

Why is the Papacy pushing CCI?

What about Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'?

How has CCI impacted evangelicalism?

What about climate change statements published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church? (This conversation begins around 1:35.00 in the video.)

Notice this troubling statement by ADCOM, a statement that will rise against us if/when ‘green’ draconian measures and climate lockdowns are implemented:


  • Parry Larry Kirkpatrick also offers the Open Hands audio Podcast twice a week at, which addresses the rapid increase in soft totalitarianism enveloping our world.

  • Calvin Beisner is the founder and spokesman of the Cornwall Alliance, an important voice for stewardship of the environment through a biblical worldview. With almost 70 theologians, scientists, economists, and other scholars and leaders in their network, the Cornwall Alliance promotes, conducts research; writes papers and articles on current issues related to the environment, economic development, and the Christian faith as it relates to those issues.

  • David Legates, Ph.D. is professor of climatology in the Department of Geography at the University of Delaware and an adjunct professor at the university’s Physical Ocean Science and Engineering Program and in the Department of Applied Economics.

  • Marko Kolic received his B.A. in Religion from Burman University [formerly Canadian University College] in 2005 and his M. Div. from Andrews Theological Seminary in 2009. He operates a ministry in Canada called Profit From Prophets.

  • Gerry Wagoner owns a commercial/industrial roofing & spray foam corporation in Ohio and is one of the founders of Fulcrum7. Most importantly, he is married to Nancy.


Further Reading Materials:

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).