The Ministry of Reconciliation

Wounded, and in great need of healing, the Adventist church is struggling to stand in this time of social unrest. Like many denominations before us, throngs have lost their biblically rooted focus.  I’m reflecting on this day as the “Adventist Peace” organization, at least in name, is presenting, Peace Summit 2023, LGBTQ & Adventism: Peace Truth & Reconciliation. Is this what it’s about? Or is the goal to further stir and trouble the waters of discontentment with its biblically grounded beliefs?

In this last month alone, there have been multiple rebellious efforts, largely focused on self, rather than calls to reconcile with trusted, King Jesus. Until recent years, our denomination promoted faith and trust in God and His sovereign Word. Today, we appear to be like freshly caught fish, flopping around, hungering for a “Savior.” Without a secure grasp of Holy Scripture, we are vulnerable to an array of socially focused narratives.

Reconciliation.  Let’s have a look. Surely, it is only authentic “reconciliation” that will lead to “peace.”

Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him].

It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to favor)” (2 Corinthians 5:17-19} Amplified translation.

I’ve been accused of being the General Conference’s “poster child.” I’m not certain how that opinion is reached, as I am not endorsed by the NAD, or the GC. I’m inclined to think that those who are angry and bitter about an LGBT+ person coming into agreement with scripture and denominational teachings, I’m coined a “poster child” in the mind’s eye who is angry, self-assured, and unwilling to seek what God is truly requesting of ALL His children.

Humbly approaching God, as an LGBT+ person, wracked with questions and confusion, God doesn’t leave us the way we are. We become a “New Creation.”  Praise Jesus for His incredible promises! However, if I’m not interested in what He’s offering, He’ll never force Himself on me.

Looking to Jesus and His Holy Word, inspired for all time, (2 Timothy 3:16), will lead to change, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Those whose flesh strongly disagrees with scripture will seek an alternate route, immersing themselves in groups of people who are like-minded, seeking approval made up of human wisdom and social constructs. Such follow the crafty allurements of now defrocked, and cast from Heaven, Lucifer and his fallen angels. Temporary satisfaction.

Satan’s goal is to get you and me to follow the dictates of our own will, not the will of Christ.

“Leaving his place in the immediate presence of God, Lucifer went forth to diffuse the spirit of discontent among the angels. Working with mysterious secrecy, and for a time concealing his real purpose under an appearance of reverence for God, he endeavored to excite dissatisfaction concerning the laws that governed heavenly beings, intimating that they imposed an unnecessary restraint. Since their natures were holy, he urged that the angels should obey the dictates of their own will. He sought to create sympathy for himself, by representing that God had dealt unjustly with him in bestowing supreme honor upon Christ. He claimed that in aspiring to greater power and honor he was not aiming at self-exaltation, but was seeking to secure liberty for all the inhabitants of Heaven, that by this means they might attain to a higher state of existence” (Great Controversy, pg 495.2)

It worked so well in Heaven. Why wouldn’t it work on humans? And what’s the only safeguard from being caught up in such a conspiracy? 

I can only imagine Apostle Paul’s words in a letter aimed at our predicament today, much as in the day of the church in Corinth.

“The members of the church at Corinth were surrounded by idolatry and sensuality of the most alluring form. While the apostle was with them, these influences had but little power over them. Paul's firm faith, his fervent prayers and earnest words of instruction, and, above all, his godly life had helped them to deny self for Christ's sake rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin.” Acts of the Apostles, pg 299.2.

This is the goal of the ministry that God has blessed me with over the last fourteen years. To a large degree, it has felt like the day of Noah. Do you feel the rain drops?

Humility isn’t a “woke” trait. It seems to be rooted in arrogance, inventing a human kingdom of the offended, furthering disagreement and hatred. Peace, mutual respect, the preservation of dignity, human rights and religious freedoms are disintegrated.

Peace? Apart from Jesus, can this world experience “peace?”  

Most every LGBT+ person I have encountered, has a gut-wrenching story. Often, they’ve been alienated, or ostracized by a church, or in “Christian” environments. Satan’s been winning.  Oh how we need to be steeped in compassionate discipleship, through friendship evangelism. Drawing heavy hearts to the heart of Jesus, and all that He offers.  Satan hurriedly rampage ramping up division and offence.  

It’s peculiar, the efforts by “diversity vice-presidents” on Adventist universities today, advertising  “inclusion,” when it’s really about exclusion, with the myriad of “your truth” theories and ideologies.

Shouldn’t we ALL be aspiring to “God’s truth?” There is so many efforts. So many reinterpretations. So many hermeneutics.  What if we were to trust Jesus, and take Him at His Word? What if, instead of reconciling to the mantras of man, we adhered to the counsel of Christ Jesus? What blessed unity would transpire.

We don’t need a section in the church painted with six colors of a false hope. We need God’s original rainbow of promise, embracing His truths, unifying under His perfect plan. Refuting the lies of Satan, with God’s immutable Word..

Leaving LGBT+ culture is not centered in becoming “heterosexual.” It is centered in living for Jesus, instead of in agreement with “feelings” generated by our sin-stained flesh. And “no,” before the tired accusation comes, my libido, due to age, is not dead. Activists make every effort to alienate or deny  Godly counsel, in desperation of holding on to who they believe they are. Jesus offers your new identity if you would accept His gift. It’s not rooted in your past, or your temptations, but who He says you are.

The deafening church silence over LGBT+ culture, has paved the way for indoctrination. LGBT+ activists, including those who have graduated from our seminaries, are now rebels for their cause. And they’ve captured a devout following.

There’s no secret about leaving LGBT+ culture for Christ. Satan targets each one of us with an array of “feelings” and excuses, seeking to derail us, just as he did with Adam and Eve. Unification under God’s healing hand, is designed to bring honor, obedience and glory to Him. Please don’t embrace the lying deceptions offered from a disgruntled angel tirelessly engaged in attempts to overthrow Jesus, who he despises. These well-designed deceptions and counterfeits are formatted to be appealing and self-gratifying.

Glancing over the last month, it’s as though God orchestrated a significant loosening of the four winds, and has allowed a hardening of hearts, demonstrated through blasphemy and a resurgence of pantheism.

While my colleagues and I can’t get on Adventist university campuses to hold a “Week of Prayer, focused on the trusted teachings of Jesus, LGBT+ “Adventist” activists, held a two-day seminar series, at Washington Adventist University, with administrative and pastoral support, directly opposing scripture. Tithes and offerings collected from trusting believers fund our universities which have turned away from the teachings of Jesus.

How can these events be surrounded with denominational silence? Why isn’t there an outcry for the closure of such universities, who fail at making Christ and preparing for the kingdom to come, its focus? If such universities are to remain open, they call out for rehabilitation with Christ-centered educators.

On the heels of these LGBT+ rights events, another “bi-sexual Adventist” pastor, comes out in Germany, with full union support, sans that of one lone voice who voted to uphold God’s Word.

There was an advertising campaign, for the above mentioned “Peace Summit,” calling for love and reconciliation.  I read through the advertising and the online petition, aimed at pastors, churches and family members.

Just as in the book, Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones, printed by our North American Division headquarters, the petition uses language to entice a believer, through sympathy that endorses taking issue with scripture, biblical truths, and membership agreements.  Many of the petitioners remain members today, with little or no agreement with the teachings and beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists.  They use quotes from scripture and The Spirit of Prophecy, removed from their intended meaning or original context. This is a tactic used to lure critics and skeptics, who question the LGBT+ agenda.  How disappointed and pained Jesus must be.

For many, Adventism is in name alone. One of Andrew’s LGBT+ Adventist seminary graduates, has stated several times, in a not so flip tone, “Of course I’m Adventist, I eat “Veggi-Links.”  I wonder if that is where the association ends.  I often ask Adventist congregations where I speak; “What does it mean to you when someone tells you they’re an Adventist?” They look at me blankly, until I respond with “You know what it means to me? Absolutely nothing! There was a time when we knew why we were Seventh-day Adventists, but rarely do I encounter someone today with a comprehensive answer.” 

We used to believe we had light and truth. Today, that’s difficult to encounter. And what may be more difficult, is encountering someone with God’s commissioned “love.”  Letting go of self, will be the most difficult assignment you and I receive on this planet.

Does the church owe the LGBT+ community and apology? Absolutely! It’s owes an apology for silence, not understanding, not making efforts, not embracing a person who is struggling, not welcoming LGBT+ people and gay couples into church congregations, with the “ministry of reconciliation” in mind. Where do you think they will encounter Jesus? And will they find Him in your church?

Oh my Wayne, have you lost your mind? No! Jesus was among sinners, that they might see hope, healing, restoration and reconciliation in Him. He asked us to mirror Him.

What about our children? I’m so frequently asked that question. We’ve failed in not educating our children today. And they are prime subjects, ripe for the picking of LGBT+ ideologies. Education is deeply needed, by those hungry for the saving, freeing message of the gospel. We need to let children know that many don’t live in agreement with God. However, they need our prayers and, we need to demonstrate the depths of God’s immense love and compassion, which doesn’t compromise His Word.

We’re very late to the conversation. However, I believe there’s hope. Yes, even when the church is appearing about to fall.

Jesus’ Words are a forever promise, 

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:20.

We need to be invitational, not forceful. Hopeful, not condemning. Discerning, not deathly silent.

I accept that I may go to prison. I accept that my life may be taken. I accept, and have already experienced jeering, lies and verbal persecution by those screaming for “love and tolerance.” Right now, it appears that “love” and respect, only goes one way.

Recently, in what I thought was a civil conversation, with diametrically opposed views, an Adventist, female pastor accused me of aligning myself with Christians who wish to kill gays. I don’t know any such Christians. And nothing could be further from my mind. My interest is in reflecting the love of Jesus, that draws those who thought they knew what “love” is. It is love in its purest form, offered by the author of love. I pray that is your desire also.


Wayne Blakely is the Director of Know His Love Ministries. After living in the LGBT+ culture for nearly forty years, he surrendered to Jesus ten years ago and today seeks humility in Jesus, sharing His “love in truth” message.