This Day in History -- The Revolutionary Calendar

On September 23, 1793, Charles-Gilbert Romme presented the new Revolutionary Calendar to the Jacobin-controlled French National Convention.  This calendar was part of a comprehensive effort to do away with all things related to the monarchy and its supporting theistic and ecclesiastical props, called the "ancient regime."

The calendar began the year on September 22 (or 23, or 24th), not January 1st, and adopted different names for the months:  Fall: Vendemiaire ("grape harvest"), Brumaire ("mist"), Frimaire ("frost"), Winter: Nivose ("snowy"), Pluviose ("rainy"), Ventose ("windy"), Spring: Germinal (for germination), Floreal ("flower"), Prairial ("meadow," prairie), Summer: Messidor ("harvest"), Thermidor ("summer heat"), and Fructidor ("fruit").  Lobster Thermidor, Napoleon's favorite seafood, is about the only trace that remains of these names.

More important for our purposes, the Revolutionary Calendar did away with the seven-day week.  The months consisted of three ten-day weeks, called décades. The days of these ten-day weeks were called: primidi, duodi, tridi, quartidi, quintidi, sextidi, septidi, octidi, nonidi, décadi

And of course the Calendar also did away with conventional BC/AD dating, which, after all, refers back to the birth of Jesus Christ.  How are you going to have an atheistic revolution when your calendar refers tp Jesus Christ?  The National Convention declared September 22, 1792 (the previous year, and the year the Republic officially began) the start of Year One. 

So is it only religious people that "seek to change times and laws," or can the secular, atheistic Left also change times and laws?  (It is no coincidence that the Left-Right nomenclature we still use today originated with the French Revolution, specifically the National Assembly of 1789, where the Revolutionaries sat on the left and the monarchists sat on the right; later on during the course of the revolutionary period, radicals sat on the left and moderates on the right.)  

I would say the atheistic, anti-Christian Left can also "change times and laws."  The proof is that the Russian communist revolutionaries also tinkered with the calendar, adopting five-day weeks, and six-day weeks, in part to disrupt Sabbath and Sunday keepers and suppress religion.

In neither case did the Leftist calendars last long.  The French abandoned the 10-day week in 1802, after only nine years, and the whole revolutionary calendar was jettisoned in 1805.  The Soviet experiment with calendar changing ended in 1940.  Leftist hyper-rational, atheistic regimes never last long.  They are too contrary to human nature.