Tuesday Annual Council: Compliance & Voice (GCAC19)

Good morning dear friends!

Some have said that my updates lacked color yesterday. That’s probably true, as we are providing systematic updates in a factual fashion. When Annual Council is over, I will provide an account of the meeting, with commentary and behind-the-scenes observations.

We are also doing a podcast each night, which provides behind-the-scenes insights:

The first draft of Statement on the Biblical View of Unborn Life and Its Implications for Abortion was presented and discussed yesterday. Annual Council will revisit this Statement on Wednesday for further review and discussion. Watch live here: #GCAC19.

8:20 AM — Ross Grant, physician at Sydney Adventist Hospital, Australia, tells #GCAC19 worship: lack of sleep, stress, alcohol, and marijuana affect our frontal lobe, our ability to think and made good moral decisions. Best way to reduce stress is to do something physical (Andrew McChesney).

Caffeine reduces blood flow to key parts of the brain. Leads to lower levels of creativity. Increases perception of being awake, increases anxiety. It won’t make you think well.

People handle stress by shutting down the frontal lobe with alcohol etc…

9:24 AM — Business Session starting . . .

Bringing back the previous motion on Conference Presidents having voice at Annual Council.
Voting to bring back — motion carries. The motion will be discussed (again) and then voted up or down.

Voted to divide the motion into two parts — passed.

First part — passed (remove committee members for cause)

Second part — (removing automatic voice from Conference President who live in the host country of an Annual Council)…Ted Wilson explaining how parity applies in this case too. We should remove voice from host nation Conference Presidents to achieve parity. The NAD has enjoyed (and exploited) an unfair advantage in this matter. Since Annual Council is being held in the US for financial reasons, we need this change to make the meetings more fair. NAD Conference Presidents tend to speak loudly in favor of items that favor the NAD agenda—possibly swaying the tone of the meeting.

Thomas Mueller — worried about timing of this motion.

Voting . . .lots of green cards up . . .some red cards . . .

The vote 170 yes - 65 -no. The motion passes. Conference Presidents in North America will NOT be given voice at future Annual Council meetings held in America.

10:02 AM — Ganoune Diop — Religious Liberty Presentation. Explaining why the PARL hosts and attends certain events. Human beings are more important than buildings [and may we say, the earth & created things]. Has worked with United Nations at various meeting. Mingling with them. G20 etc. Attended IRLA meeting in Morocco. “We mingle to promote religious freedom” (Ganoune Diop). Voted to receive report.

10:18 — GT Ng. Indianapolis 2020. 61st General Conference Session.

Election Year Phenomenon.

  • It is a year of prophecy (who will it be…)

  • Year of Theme Songs “Is my name written there?” Pass me not… You Raised me Up”

  • Year of Monkey Business

  • Year of High Blood Pressure

  • We are stewards of the Adventist Message. [We are not here to redefine, re-construct or change the Message. We are here to be stewards of it.]

  • People don’t take disappointment in elections well. They tend to act irrationally.

  • Preparation for GC Session? Simple. Pray.

GT Ngs’ presentation was humorous, insightful and finished with a meaningful appeal to be true to biblical principles. Song of consecration was “It is Well With My Soul.”

11:19 — Church Manual Additions

Some parts are being moved around in Chapter 4. Leslie Pollard suggested that we should have latitude for other outreach methods. Final wording being discussed…

Adding a disciple-making section to the Church Manual. It is a pressing need.

Various minor additions to the Discipline chapter.

12:05 — BREAK for LUNCH

2:13 — Business Session resumes . . .

Education presentation.

A very challenging situation is happening in Burundi. Members are being beaten and imprisoned. Burundi is a church in the wilderness. The properties are being controlled by the former Union President and managed by the government. Our members there appear to be standing strong for the Lord. 186,000 members are in Burundi.

Motion to wish God’s blessings on our Church in Burundi. Group prayer was offered for them.

2:49 — Compliance time . . . Ted Wilson admits that is it not in his nature to be combative. He has sought God’s wisdom repeatedly in this matter. We have allowed time. On November 4 a letter was sent to three Unions—outlining out of compliance Unions. Whether you respond positively to this recommended action is up to you. All three of us in Presidential Council agree that this is what needs to be done.

The Divisions responded. No appropriate response was received from the three Divisions (NAD, EUD, TED). All five Compliance Committees are still there for ADCOM to use. We have chosen not to use the Compliance Committees due to misinformation about them. Their function was advisory. ADCOM decided to use regular tried and true approach—officers recommending action to ADCOM. GT Ng, will read the motion.

These Unions are heading in a direction that we wish they weren’t.

2:59 PM — Warnings are for entities. Reprimands are for individuals. These are simple majority votes. Removal from Committee requires a 2/3 majority vote.

The Compliance/Discipline measure will be split into two parts: Warning and Reprimand.

Two minutes per speech and four minutes for those needing translation.

First motion is a warning to four unions.

Randy Roberts. Says theirs

President Swedish Union — 33% of their pastors are women. We have decided that we need to treat male and female pastors equally, so we can reach people in Sweden. Claims that FB #14 supports their decision. Claims that the TED should be dealing with this — more time is needed.

Ted Wilson reminds him that they have had four months since June to resolve the issue, and one year since GCAC18.
Swedish President almost making a scene.

Victory Marley — Claims that FB 14 prevents discrimination. Says ADCOM should address this.

Ted Wilson - thank you for your opinion—most of what you said was your opinion.

Karnick — says the request for appeal will happen later.

Thomas Mueller — Says this makes him unhappy. I can live with a warning. If you are downplaying the warning why are we receiving it? This issue is alienating our members. Compares this warning to cutting half of his beard off (Bible story). Find other solutions.

Ted Wilson — you may think you are in policy but the reality is you are not.

North German Union President — complains that they haven’t had enough communication. If we go back to our country with this decisions emotions will rise high. In 2016 we sent a document describing our position. We have received no communication regarding that document. I think we are in compliance according to FB #14.

Lowell Cooper — It appropriate that we address the problem of non-compliance. Complains that the document gives no explanation of the violation. Says discipline is hasty - not enough due process.

Hensley Mooroven — People say they are not aware — all Divisions were visited regarding this issue in 2016 & 2017.

President of Netherlands — This is the third AC that I have attended. Each time you are trying to find a way to deal with this issue. What would Jesus do? I think Jesus is all loving and all accepting.

Jan Paulsen — This is a sad day. A day of mourning and weeping. If you publicly stigmatize people for non-compliance. We need the Church to grow. I am baffled at this public rebuke. Where will it take us?

English Union President — Compares with Brexit vote. I wish the church was united. We would not discipline the Conference. This discussion is discipline enough.

GT Ng — These entities are not in compliance, although they say they have tried. Arguments about equality, are fine but not needed. What we are doing now is implementing the process. we must implement the action that was voted in 2018.

Layman from EUD — stand here with a heavy heart. I feel as a lay member that there are things going on behind the scenes that I am not aware of. My daughter is watching this meeting. Here i stand, I can do no other.

Randy Roberts — The Church cannot agree on this issue. It is a matter of conscience, and to discipline people over it is not what Jesus would do. Our country is sensitive to issues of inequality.

Ted Wilson — One ADCOM member was afraid that he would be accused of kingly power. I agreed that some would make that accusation, we just have to take the risk. We get criticized either way.

Hungarian — our name should be on this list. One of our pastors asked to not be ordained because his wife is a commissioned pastor as well.

Siberian Union — in Russia we understand what it means to live under sanctions. We as a church should use theological and pastoral methods.

Oregon President — Policy L23 regarding commissioned ministers. Raises point that ministers don’t have to be ordained. [This is not true.]

Handysides — Suggests that we change the requirement to 2/3 majority for passing.

Speaker — there is a provision that if an entity is non compliant there should be discipline.

Leslie Pollard — We have a decision at the GC level. To not respect that will bring consequences. On the other hand we have some pleading to the body for freedom to do mission. I voted for this issue last time, I will not vote for it this time.

Moon/GC — My parents live in a Union that are not in compliance. My own Union is not in compliance. We must agree on policy. If a union is following their conscience - are we ready to take away their conscience? Last comment.

Voting commences on item # 1. It will be by secret ballot.

The problem is that Church entities are not following the decisions of the General Conference Sessions. What will the response of this body be?

The vote outcome is:

Yes: 164
No: 124

the Unions will receive a warning

The Second portion of the Motion now. To publicly reprimand the PUC and CUC. Discussion is open.

Dan Jackson — Conscience is important. How will we deal with people who follow their conscience? If we do this, we are saying that this is worse than other infractions. We are opening wounds of those who cannot represent themselves.

Ricardo Graham — Would like to speak last.

Ron Smith — Speak against motion. It’s inflammatory. We have strained to remain in sync with world leadership. We are in compliance, but I would be honored to be reprimanded as well.

Hal Butler — I resent the suggestion that our youth will be harmed if we discipline our leaders. They will actually be encouraged. Without discipline the church would go to fragments. If we don’t reprimand we will suffer as a Church.

Southern California Conference President — TOSC said the issue is not a theological issue. This issue is policy, and we should not discipline for it.

Dean Coridan — I request that my name be added to the list of non-compliance. Quotes Micah 6:8. This will be my last time here.

Alex Bryant NAD — We are in a dilemma and quagmire. We can’t discipline Unions for acting on their conscience. Quotes FB #14 as justification for no distinctions. FB #14 is in conflict with GC session decision.

Leon Brown — I am first black Conference President. I hope 30-years from now there will women all around the NAD who are Conference presidents. Says EGW carried an ordination certificate.

Mark Johnson — Canadian law prevents public shaming. Disciplinary language troubles we.

Nathasha Dysinger — The young people I know support discipline. I say things that some people disagree with. Let us extend kind kindness to the GC in this process. Love rejoices in the truth.

Harrington — 740k baptized members in Zambia. I rise to speak in favor of the motion. SDA is remnant Church of Bible prophecy. Your conscience is not a good guide. Reads quote.

Kenope Kenope — Convert to this Church. I followed the Bible, not conscience. We must cooperate with the Church.

West Central Africa — last year we discussed this. I am sad that there is no remorse from these men. The open display of impunity is harmful for the children and adults of our church. To not address this impunity, will do great harm to the Church.

Speaker — To those who claim to follow their feelings. I tell my people in the Philippines that we must work as one. So must the church. i support the recommendation.

Gary Thurber — Many people in this room hope this passes. Things he reads online are troubling. The rebellious Union presidents love this Church. Doesn’t think this is the best way to handle it.

Speaker — We can rebuke decisions, but we shouldn’t rebuke people.

President of Atlantic Union — These men represent their constituency.

Randy Roberts — opposes motion. Can’t accept that these men will be publicly shamed. Jesus stood for principle. He tried to prevent shame. I find this motion to be troubling.

Debby Jackson — Can we remove from office a woman?

Victor Marley — It is an honor to be the first Union being warned. Proposes an amendment , that these two Unions get a warning instead of a rebuke. Amendment is seconded.

Vote on Amendment occurring. Amendment is to change the public reprimand to a warning.

Dave Weigley — Appeals for amendment. Says they haven’t had enough time.

Vote on amendment:

Yes 161
No 92

Amendment passes. The Unions in question will now be warned, not reprimanded.

Speaker Marie — I am baffled that this is happening. Represent women and men who believe that the gospel has changed. Story of Mary Magdalene. The GC Session vote was a mistake. Against the document.

This vote will add the NAD Unions to the other four Unions.

Ricardo Graham — I appreciate the amendment. Our Union voted to ordain women in 2012 (or 2013) by a large majority. I am a SDA until the day I die. If this vote fails and I am reprimanded, I will wear it as a badge of honor.

Vote on warning NAD Unions commences.

Yes 190
No 94

The motion passes. The Columbia Union and the Pacific Union will receive a formal warning.

Tomorrow we will revisit the Abortion Statement.

Good night and God bless!
