An Appeal To Kanye West

Pastor Steve Wohlberg of White Horse Media sent a personal appeal to Kanye West to consider taking a complete stand for all ten of the Ten Commandments.

We encourage our readers to pray that Kanye will watch this video and respond to Steve personally. When people pray, God will work!

Down through Christian history, millions of Christians have been a force for good in this world. It is our hope that Kanye West would discover the beauty and perfection of God’s Law in his readings of the Bible, and be another voice of encouragement and biblical clarity in a lawless world. May God be merciful to Kanye—as He has been so merciful to us.


White Horse Media is directed by television producer, radio host, and international seminar speaker Steve Wohlberg. A Jewish Christian from Los Angeles, Steve Wohlberg has earned a B.A. degree in Theology from La Sierra College (Riverside, CA) and his Masters of Divinity degree from Andrews Seminary (Berrien Springs, MI). A prolific writer and speaker, he has written 30+ books on a variety of Bible topics, has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows, has been featured in three History Channel documentaries (Secrets of the Seven Seals; Strange Rituals: the Apocalypse; Armageddon Battle Plan), one National Geographic International documentary (Animal Apocalypse), and has spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate.

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