Andrews University Professor Wishes Someone Would Assassinate The President

Campus Reform is a conservative watchdog to the nation’s higher education system, exposing liberal bias’ and abuse on the nation’s college campuses. Yesterday, they published an op-ed article by Jonathan McCormick titled I Helped Convince my School to de-bloat gen ed Requirements.

During a January 13 interview with Andrews University Provost Christon Arthur, to get the scoop on gen ed requirement changes, Andrews University freshman interviewer and Campus Reform journalist Jonathan McCormick was also asked about leftist bias on campus. Here is his response:

Upon learning of my work reporting leftist bias and abuse in higher education with Campus Reform, Arthur took the conversation deeper, “But let me ask you this. [It is] your second semester here. Have you encountered bias?” I then shared with him instances of leftist bias I have witnessed, including when a professor in my department looked at President Trump on television and said, “Why can’t somebody just assassinate him?” 

After overcoming the initial shock at hearing that, Arthur then said,

“Please know that—and I’m speaking for the president as well—that as a student here at Andrews, our doors are always wide open to talk with you, to listen to your concerns, and to give us advice. I won’t presume to know the best solution for everything. And I think that as situations arise, you may have suggestions that I need to listen to. And I know that I will listen to them. So, know that my doors are open.”

Full article here.


“Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:17).

“If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well” (James 2:8).