Adventist Colleges & Hospitals Continue to Accomodate The LGBTQ+ Agenda

  • BERRIEN SPRINGS — Yesterday, at the Garber Ampitheater on Andrews University Campus, Adventist Forum hosted a meeting titled “The Voices of Parents of LGBT+ Children: Their Journey and Process.” Speakers were David Sedlacek, Nancy Carbonell, and Rene Drumm. Advertisement flyer HERE. Notice that the meeting is focused on helping families accept the LGBTQ+ choices of children, rather than biblically helping these children get free from their sin (Proverbs 28:13; 1 Corinthians 6:11).

  • LOMA LINDA — On the Loma Linda Center for Fertility webpage, the Surrogacy & Gestational Carriers page says this,

Who should use a surrogate?

Surrogacy is recommended for women who have functioning ovaries but may have a medical condition that makes carrying a pregnancy very difficult or impossible. Common medical conditions of women seeking surrogates are the absence of a uterus, recurring miscarriages, uterine abnormalities or a medical condition that could put both mother and baby at risk.

If donor eggs must be used and the intended mother cannot carry a pregnancy, then a couple may decide to use a gestational carrier so that the child is genetically related to the intended father.

Gay partners may also choose to use a surrogate in order to have a child that is genetically related to one of the partners.

Here is a photo from Instagram,

We may call it many things but we cannot in good conscience call this capitulation “love”.  Deviant “love” is not love at all, but a deconstructed substitute.  Moral deviancy wounds people at their inner core—their heart.  Thus damaged, their spirits can only choose between two roads.  The road of repentance & freedom, or the road of axiological rebellion & destruction.  Do we love them enough to help them find restoration beside us in the Great Controversy?  Adventist Christians will either be a bulwark against political correctness or we will adopt it as our own, banishing truth to the darkened dungeon of capitulation—replacing it with a note that reads “I’m Sorry Our Bible Said Such Mean Things.”


"For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world” (1 John 2:16).