Transgender City Council to Abolish Police

The Minneapolis City Council, which contains two transgendered persons, is considering disbanding the city’s police force.

“Several of us on the council are working on finding out what it would take to disband the MPD,” said Steve Fletcher, a member of the 13-person body that serves as the legislative branch of the City of Minneapolis. The council’s decision to abolish the police force comes after George Floyd died under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer on May 26, leading to a wave of riots in Minneapolis and several other American cities.

Two of the city council members, Phillipe Cunningham and Andrea Jenkins, are transgender. Minneapolis is one of the most Left-leaning cities in America, but it is beyond remarkable that on a city council of 13 people, two are transgendered.

Both Cunningham and Jenkins are black. Cunningham has not changed his name to a female name, nor does he make any attempt to dress or appear as a woman; he is homosexual, is “married” to another man, and “identifies” as transgender. Jenkins does attempt to appear female. Jenkins’s male birth name has apparently been purged from the Internet, tossed down the “memory hole” (a literary allusion Pastor Kirkpatrick will appreciate).

Abolishing the police force is an insane idea. It would lead to rampant crime, chaos, and disorder. It is an absurd over-reaction to the crime of one cop, a crime for which he was swiftly charged and will be tried.

The city council is contemplating this insane course of action supposedly to combat “racism,” but as with all the Left’s other policy prescriptions, the resulting chaos will hurt blacks the most. Nature abhors a vacuum, and abolishing the police will not set people free of authority; the authority of the police would be replaced, likely by a patchwork of vigilantes, gangs, and the Leftist terrorist group Antifa. Within a few days, the better neighborhoods would be protected by well-armed citizen patrols, militias, and private security forces; poorer, mostly black, neighborhoods would be left to the mercy of criminal street gangs, and Marxist/communist terrorists such as Antifa.

Transgenderism isn’t the cause of this nihilism, just another symptom. The created sexual order is an important aspect of a healthy society. When a society becomes so sick and depraved that it celebrates the assault on the created sexual order, and elects the mentally ill to public office, it will have lost touch with other important, basic, foundational norms, such as the necessity of law and order, the protection of life and property, and the knowledge that the first and most important duty of government is to provide these things. Sadly, this is where our society is. America’s time as a functioning democratic republic is rapidly drawing to a close.