Former Pastor of Redlands SDA Church Comes out as Transgender

Kris Loewen became the youth and family pastor at Walla Walla University Church in 2010. He worked there until 2019, moving to the SECC and becoming the head pastor at Redlands Seventh-day Adventist Church.

After being at Redlands for two years, Leowen made a public post on Facebook that God is a woman, or at least a female of some sort.

On June 13, 2021 Fulcrum7 ran a story about Redlands SDA pastor Kris Loewen’s Facebook post in which he said God is a she. He said feminist and queer theology are legitimate ways of faithfully reading the Scriptures, scorning patriarchal white-centered readings of Scripture (whatever that is). He further stated the Bible is not a perfect expression of the divine. The story was read widely. In early July, Leowen resigned from his position as pastor of Redlands. He has a wife and two children.

Yesterday, Loewen publicly ‘came out’ as a woman on his blog. Here is an excerpt,

So, here it is. I am a transgender woman. It’s taken me many years to develop the confidence needed to acknowledge this truth: first to myself, later to my family and friends, and now more publicly. Obviously, “transgender” has become a buzzword in American culture. Yet for almost everyone I know, it’s a pretty unfamiliar experience. Until coming out to them, some of my friends even believed that they didn’t know any trans people (you might too)! Personally, I think we’re pretty great; and in all honesty, I think people ought to consider it a gift to share relationships with us.

Being transgender means that I’m not a “boy” or a “man” like everyone in my life has always believed. While these are the roles I have played and labels I have accepted, they do not accurately represent who I am. Some trans people describe their experience as, “my brain expects my body to be different than it is.” I relate to that.

Speaking of which, my [new] name is “Esther,” after my maternal great-grandmother and paternal grandmother. But some of my family and friends have been calling me the shortened nickname “Elle” (pronounced like the letter L). I like both equally and you are welcome to use either. My pronouns are she/her/hers.

Loewen, before and after his coming out as transgender.

Loewen, before and after his coming out as transgender.

The Southeastern California Conference (SECC)

The SECC has long been a hotbed of liberalism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It seems that almost anything goes there, and here are a few examples:

  • On October 27, 2013, they voted a woman in as president of the conference, even though Seventh-day Adventist Church rules say that only a man can be president of a conference. They doubled down on their rebellion by re-electing Roberts in 2018.

  • The Pacific Union, one of the henchmen of the North American Division, has been a shock troop of liberalism in the church. And they seem to get away with it with impunity. When the GCEXCOM tried to publicly censure the Pacific and Columbia Unions, weak representatives on the Committee failed to do the job they were called by God to do.

  • Within the territory of the Pacific Union and SECC is the independent Paradox Church in California. This is a ‘church’ dedicated to the promotion of LGBTQ, Feminism, Critical Race Theory, all subtexts of their social justice paradigm. The pastor of Paradox, by the way, used to be the pastor of Redlands SD, before Loewen. SECC also approves of and tolerates such things as pro gay Glendale City SDA Church.

  • The problem is not just a "difference of opinion" in the Adventist Church, there's a huge group of leaders in the NAD, PUC, and SECC who actively despise Adventism and undermine it from within. This web of deceit needs to be revealed and addressed if we as a church are going to bring honor to the Father. It’s way past time.

  • The Pacific Union tolerated a baptized lesbian ‘married’ couple in the Chico Church. This is wrong and wounds the hearts of other members in the Church, especially young impressionable people. This is further evidence of moral paralysis in the Church, turning men into weak failures, hiding under their darkened cloak of corporate apathy.

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We don’t enjoy writing about these things. They are sad realities that can only worsen if we ignore them; Fulcrum7 decided long ago that the danger done to the Church by ignoring them is worse than addressing them openly and prayerfully. Please pray, friends while there is still time for God to rebuke us, heal us and save us (1 John 1:9). Satan is using these people to bring dishonor to the Lord’s name and defeat to His Church.


Pray that God will humble each of us. Pray that God will expose those that seek to harm the Advent Movement. And thus exposed, pray that we as a Church (including GCEXCOM) will have the courage to simply do what God wants us to do. Or else face the terrible consequences of being judged as contributing to the problem as “dumb dogs that will not bark” (Isaiah 56:10).


After praying for God to be your strength, let’s act. Resist these things. Stand against the tide friends. Men, stand for the right though the heavens fall. Love the truth and speak that truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). In that wise resistance, God will build a special character in those that care about the truth, His truth (Ezekiel 9:4).


“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).