He's Back! Captain Graham Hood Releases New Video

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From Graham:

I look at my face in some of the videos when I am being interviewed and I think to my self...where have all the years gone? But I have a great support network and I am bathing in the prayers of thousands who care as you do.

My heart is warm and my reliance on God greater than it has ever been. I am in this for a good fight and will rest when we have victory. A day on the river with a [fishing] rod in one hand and my wife's hand in the other and I will feel renewed.

From a supporter on Graham’s social media page,

“Good onya Graham Hood, Legend! thanks for having a backbone in a time where the spinless seem to have Inherited the Earth. True Australian! —Brad Cahill

Graham is a former Qantas airline pilot who quit his job of 32-years rather than be forced into the Covid-19 shot. He put out a short video just before he resigned. The video went viral. Graham is now a sought after speaker in Australia, standing up for freedom in the midst of oppressive social tyranny. In a very short period of time, he has received 30,000 followers on Facebook, and thousands of emails from around the world.
Graham is a Seventh-day Adventist, and apparently one with courage and grace.
Captain Graham Hood’s Facebook page.
