The Southwestern Union Asks NAD to Fight The Biden Mandate


The Southwestern Union has formally requested that the NAD and office of the General Counsel help them oppose the Biden OSHA mandate. In a letter sent two weeks ago, the Southwestern Union specifically requests that the NAD religious liberty department and legal counsel oppose the Biden vaccine mandate. This is a big deal.

This Union represents Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Louisiana Conferences. Furthermore, their respective executive committees are prepared to vote to disregard Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate. May other Unions do likewise, thus fulfilling the greatest want of the world “….men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.”

The church-state separation argument is a valid argument, one that our religious liberty leaders should have raised already. Perhaps now they are motivated to do so.

The letter: