Alberta Health Department And Police Harass the Calgary Pastor Again

On April 2, a female ‘health inspector’ and several police officers came in uninvited to Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s church in Alberta, Canada during their Passover service. At the beginning of his now viral video, Pawlowski could be heard yelling repeatedly at the authorities before they finally left the church's premises. He told them to get a warrant before attempting to force their way into his church during a worship service.

They’re Back

On Saturday, April 24, this same health inspector returned to the church with what appeared to be a warrant. “I do not cooperate with Gestapo,” Pawlowski told the health inspector, who was flanked by several armed, black-clad Calgary Police officers. Pawlowski ordered these people off of the church’s premises.

“Talk to my lawyer. You are not allowed here, you are not welcomed here, and I’m not going to cooperate with Gestapo” he said. You rightfully changed your uniforms to black, because you are exactly acting like the Gestapo of old.”

The officers and health inspector eventually left the premises.

This video appears poised to go viral again, like the first one. We observed with great interest, some of the comments below the video on Youtube. Here’s a few.

  • “I am not a religious person, but I will defend to the death your right to worship freely. You sir, are what the new heros look like. I thank you for being an example of what all good Canadians need to do.”

  • “They walk up like an invading army. More people need to stand up like you do pastor.”

  • “Though I am an American and an atheist, I salute you and your courage.”

  • “This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” ― Plato

  • “I'm agnostic and an American, but I would proudly attend your church and support what you stand for. Truly inspiring sir. This is twice now you have moved me to tears out of inspiration and admiration. Amazing! Best regards to you and to all people who stand for liberty.”

  • “One thing that has been very disappointing during this ‘pandemic’ is the weakness of church leaders. They are meant to be shepherds but are acting like sheep. This man is not that. He does not turn from his flock when they need him most. God bless you.”

  • “This is a good look at how the left would act in the USA if they were unrestrained by that pesky Constitution. Bravo to you Pastor for standing up to them so courageously. We are all proud of you.”

  • “I am not a religious man but when Canada is free again, I will drive from Philadelphia and attend a service. Keep up the good fight, my friend.”

Our Response

We sense that something significant is happening when unbelievers can scarcely contain their admiration for a Christian pastor. May his tribe increase—possibly with a few less decibels—but may they increase nonetheless!

Like all crises, the COVID-19 pandemic will eventually pass. But it will leave behind a residue of laws, spending, and precedents for future government actions that won't depart in its wake. Strewn among the shards of broken piggy banks and small businesses will lie the fragments of personal freedom & independence (GCW).

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).