Adventists, Catholics and ADRA, The Religion of Strong Delusion

Katholischen Fonds, a Roman Catholic charity in Germany, and ADRA and the Adventist Church in Germany are teaming up to teach (err…indoctrinate) young people about climate change.

From the German ADRA page:

From July 9th to 11th, 2021, the Advent Youth, the Free Church of the STA, the Zeltplatz
Friedensau gGmbH and ADRA Deutschland eV will  jointly organize the  Rethinking Sustainability Camp.


Screenshot 2021-05-21 20.32.32.png

Adventists are warned by Ellen White to have no alliances with Roman Catholicism.

However, a hard-left progressive wing of the church has no qualms about wondering after the Beast, especially as it relates to one of their pet agendas: global warming ala climate change.

You might say, “Hey, how can Adventists partner with Catholics? Isn’t that spiritually dangerous?”

It’s easy when you are all part of the same religion. All of the above sponsors have exchanged Bible truth for the religion of wokeness, social justice, and radical environmentalism. Thus they are fellow believers, marching to the bongo beat of globalist leftism. Group hug, please.

Perhaps we should join them.

We could acknowledge that the Great Controversy is full of anti-Catholic bigotry, and repent publicly. We could have a virtual (for the timid) and in-person (for the robust) book burning celebration whereby liberated Adventists come together and publicly burn their Great Controversy’s.

After all, those poor ignorant peasants that we call SDA pioneers did not have the college education that most of us have. So they can be forgiven, but we must still cancel them and burn their books.

Invite the media, break out the fanfare, and serve up the caffeine lattes. We could then reformulate a new balance of faith with love as the only doctrine. After all, Jesus taught love.

We could then present this new maudlin faith to the world, asking their forgiveness and replacing the Conflict of the Ages Series with a note that reads “We didn’t really mean it.”

Or, we could hold fast to the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12), overcoming the world in His Spirit (1 John 5:4-5).

What will YOU do??


“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast” (Revelation 13:3).