Biden Administration Asks Americans to Report "Potentially" Radical Friends & Family

“Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death” (Matthew 10:21).


According to a White House transcript from Monday, an unidentified senior official in the Biden administration discussed plans meant to curb domestic terrorism.

“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” he (or she) said.

In other words, the Biden administration is actively encouraging American citizens to report their friends and family to the government if they “perceive” them to be too radical.

What exactly constitutes radical behavior? The official did not clarify.

Biden began his presidency with a stark warning in his inauguration speech about the “rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”

And on June 1, Biden described the threat from “white supremacy’ as the ‘most lethal threat to the homeland today.”

This policy bears a striking resemblance to Germany under Hitler, where people were encouraged to report their neighbors, families and friends to the Gestapo for various ‘offenses’. According to the Wiener Holocaust Library in London, these informants played a big role in enabling the Nazi regime.

“Nazi propaganda presented the Gestapo as an omnipresent all-seeing, all-knowing group, but in reality there was just one secret police officer for approximately every 10,000 citizens of Nazi Germany,” it said. “The Gestapo were therefore reliant on a network of thousands of informants.”

Given the left’s tendency to call everything it doesn’t like “white supremacy,” there is no telling what might constitute“radical” or dangerous behavior in their minds. Some possibilities:

  • Perhaps giving Bible studies that explain the identity of the Great Harlot of Revelation 17, or the Little Horn Power of Daniel 7?

  • Eating at Chick-fil-A?

  • Refusing to apologize for being born white?

  • Owning a firearm?

  • Having a Trump banner in your yard?

  • Offending your woke millennial niece at a Thanksgiving meal by not supporting her politics?

  • Refusing to endorse BLM or call people by their preferred pronoun-of-the-month?

  • Not voting Democrat?

  • Preferring Christian charity to government programs?

One can see why the idea that anyone on the other side of the aisle is a “threat,” mixed with the proposition of reporting your neighbors, could present a serious problem.

To be clear, the United States is not Nazi Germany, no matter who is in power. But the media watchdogs who repeatedly compared the previous President to Hitler could at least mention how radical this new policy really is. They won’t, though.

The Biden administration said it would also work with large technology companies on “increased information sharing” to help combat radicalization. I’m sure they will.

This is not to say that Americans should ignore a potential threat of violence. If people suspect that their neighbor or friend is engaging in criminal activity or planning some sort of attack, they should definitely call the police.

However, informing the government of anything you perceive as radical is a lot different from reporting a crime. It encourages citizens to turn each other in based solely on their political leanings.

It is an invitation for every SJW and Karen who doesn't like conservative attitudes to report people just out of spite. This is dangerous, friends. Good bye first amendment, hello fascism.

And we’ve seen that approach before. From 1938-1945.
