United Nations Suggests That Pornography May Not Always Be Harmful To Children

New York — The UN agency UNICEF is immersed in controversy for a recent report suggesting there is no conclusive evidence that children exposed to pornography are harmed. The report also explores the possibility of digital identities for children, itself an alarming intrusion into privacy.

The report published by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) addresses how government policy can be used to protect children from harmful, abusive and violent content online.  Its conclusion is based on a European study of 19 EU countries that found in most countries, most children who saw pornographic images were “neither upset nor happy.” In fact, the report UNICEF relies on says that 39 percent of Spanish children were happy after seeing pornography.

Biblical Christians know better. We know that pornography is an insidious poison that wounds the heart of those who view it, as well as those who ‘produce’ it.

Speaking of . . . did you know that most of the people who produce pornography are also into the occult, and they pray over their ‘product’ asking the enemy to enslave anyone who looks at it? It’s true.

We should, as Seventh-day Adventist Believers do everything we can to protect our children from pornography and sexual abuse.

Suggesting that the evidence is “inconclusive” regarding the harm that pornography does to people is about what we would expect from an institution whose spirituality is maintained by a (Luciferian) Meditation Room in their New York United Nations Building.

C’mon Fulcrum7, you can’t be serious!

We can.
And we are.

U.N. Meditation Room

The United Nations HQ in New York has a ‘Meditation Room’ dedicated to silence in the outward sense and stillness in the inner sense. Ex spiritualist Pastor Rick Howard, the late Seventh-day Adventist author, wrote a book (The Omega Rebellion) about this occult silence, having experienced it firsthand with the same guru that spiritually guided 1970’s rock star Carlos Santana.

United Nations Meditation Room

The United Nations Meditation Room was initiated by the second Secretary-General Dag Hammerskjöld, who said of this room: “We want to bring back, in this room the stillness which we have lost in our streets, and in our conference rooms, and to bring it back in a setting in which no noise would impinge on our imagination.” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, began his first day in office in 2007 by visiting this Meditation Room. It is considered a sacred space.

  • The United Nations Meditation Room is managed by the Lucis Trust.

  • The Lucis Trust was founded in 1922 by theosophic occultist Alice Bailey.

  • The original name of the publishing work was the Lucifer Publishing Company, it was changed in 1925 to the Lucis Publishing Company. The Lucis Trust says that the name was probably chosen to honor Lucifer.

  • The Lucis Trust maintains the United Nations Meditation Room, and enjoys consultative status with the United Nations.

  • The Lucis Trust runs a blog, "World Goodwill", which focuses on defining new Sustainable Development Goals for humanity. Seventh-day Adventist PARL director Ganoune Diop, is a major supporter of this United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (commonly known as Agenda 2030). Ganoune Diop and Pope Francis have both labored to encourage religions to support United Nations Agenda 2030.

Back to pornography.

It glorifies its originator, Lucifer. It’s wrong for any age group, especially precious children. Avoid it, let Jesus cleanse your heart from it and walk in freedom and joy (1 Thessalonians 4:1-7).

And don’t look to UNICEF for moral truth. That’s about like turning to the UN for biblical wisdom.

They ain’t got any.

Editor’s note: After receiving significant pushback from around the world for their recent report on children, UNICEF removed the controversial report and turned to Snopes for damage control.


“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;  that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God” (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).