Make-A-Wish Foundation Now Restricts Wishes To Vaccinated Children Only

This is literally a new low for humanity.

Terminally ill children will not be granted a wish.. from the make a wish foundation… unless.. you guessed it.. they’re fully vaccinated.

In full propaganda mode, CEO Richard Davis said in a video released today, "We've approached this responsibility with a focus and diligence for your family’s health and safety."

The charity said it will make adults sign a waiver stating all participants (including siblings and family of the recipient) are fully vaccinated. 

Dear friends. Whether you are a pro-vaxxer or a vaxx-skeptic, you should be asking a question about now.

The Question

Why is there so much coercion, bribery, and pressure being placed on people to accept this Covid19 vaccine? Why?

Just make it available for those who want it, and shut up, please. Leave the coercion stuff for cult leaders, drug dealers, telemarketers, loan sharks and the Beast power of Daniel & Revelation.

Why are the social media giants lock-step censoring people who question the efficacy and necessity of the Covid19 vaxx? Why are they (media giants) shutting down questioning voices? Are you ok with that?

  • I don’t want to hear from tin foil anti-vaxxers about how everyone who took the Pfizer vaccine will be dead in 2-years. (Strictly speaking, we don’t know the outcome of this ‘prophecy’ yet, since we are only 2-4 months into it. But still…)

  • I don’t want to hear from pro-vaxxers that Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and Susan Wojcicki have so much love for people that they are determined to save you from anything harmful. If their millennial-living-in-their parent’s-basement-fact-checkers deem something to be misinformation, they will—lovingly of course—pull it down. They know what’s best for us, after all.

  • I don’t want to hear from people saying that Covid19 Vaxx is the Mark of the Beast. It may be the Mark of the brute, a first cousin to that other Mark, but it’s not the big one.

  • I don’t want to hear from hand-wringing Adventists who accuse you of hating Grandma if you don’t get the ‘vaccine’ or don’t wear a woke mask. Let me share with you the wisdom of a real Grandmother (my dear mother) who grew up during the Polio epidemic “That’s Hogwash.”

Back to Make a Wish. Think about it. Young people on the Wish list are usually suffering from a terminal disease, and the Foundation offers them one last wish as an act of compassion. To tell someone that they can’t have their last wish unless they have been vaccinated is like telling a Stage Five lung cancer patient that they can’t take morphine to ease the pain because it might be habit forming.

Not only that, Davis said all Wish participants, including siblings and family of the recipient, will need to be two weeks past vaccination.  That’s a big win for the coercers. Instead of getting just one person under your thumb, you can get 3-10 people.

When you mingle compassion with coercion, you don’t have compassion, you have an ugly substitute (the end game of that thinking is people who kill you believing they are doing God a favor (John 16:2)).

It’s a political, ham-handed, agenda-driven coercive move by a charity who depends on the good will offerings of people. Come to think of it, it is a lot like churches coercing you to get the Covid Vaxx.

You wanna get a Covid19 vaccination, be my guest. I’ll still love you. You choose to refrain from the vaccine and build your immune system, go for it. I’ll still love you.

But, you try to force people into doing your will, I’ll call it what it is. A person with a syringe wearing a Pope hat.

Have a happy Sabbath!


“Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows Him his counsel? Whom did He consult, and who made Him understand? Who taught Him the path of justice, and taught Him knowledge, and showed Him the way of understanding?” (Isaiah 40:13-14).