The Spike Protein By Itself Is A Pathogen

A Canadian scientist specializing in viral immunology at the University of Guelph, Dr. Byram Bridle, was recently interview by Canadian radio talk-show host Alex Pierson. In the interview, Bridle stated that the spike protein by itself, without more, can damage the cardio-vascular system in serious ways.

The messenger RNA vaccines operate by injecting RNA that programs your body’s cells to produce the spike protein, which is part of the Coronavirus. The body’s immune system then produces anti-bodies to the spike protein, so that when the Coronavirus comes along your immune system is primed to destroy it.

Promoters of the vaccine have been claiming that the spike protein by itself, being one small part of the virus, is not harmful to the body. That claim was not true. The spike protein is itself a pathogen that seems to cause cardio-vascular problems.

Here is the interview [As expected, the interview was removed from YouTube, which is owned by Google. Anything that doesn’t fit the official narrative is being suppressed. Here is audio of the interview on Rumble:

Here is a transcript of the interview:

Pierson:  Let us bring in Dr. Bridle.  He's an associate professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph.  Doctor, you've been very open-minded on this whole issue, and you're not an anti-vaxxer by any stretch but what do you think about this inflammation in the heart and is it an actual threat?

Bridle: Thanks for having me on, Alex.  Yeah, as you said, I'm very much pro-vaccine but always making sure that the science is done properly and that we follow the science carefully before going into a public rollout of vaccines.

l hope you’ll let me run with this a little bit, Alex.  I’ll forewarn you and your listeners that the story I'm about to tell is a bit of a scary one.  This is cutting edge science.  There are a couple of key pieces of scientific information that I’ve become privy to just within the past few days that has made the final link, so we understand now, myself and some key international collaborators, we understand exactly why these problems are happening, and many others associated with these vaccines.  The story is a bit of a scary one, just to brace you for this.

But I'm going to walk you through this.  The science that that I'm going to be talking about, I don't have the time here to describe exactly the scientific data, but let me assure you that everything . . .  I'm going to state right now is completely backed up by peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-known and well-respected scientific journals. I have all this information in hand, and I’m in the process of [unintelligible] trying to put it all into a document that I can hopefully circulate widely.  So your listeners are going to be the first to hear the public release of this conclusion and I’ll . . .

Pierson:  Sounds very ominous! 

Bridle:  So this is what it is: The sars-coronovirus-2 has a spike protein on its surface.  That spike protein is what allows it to infect our bodies.  That is why we've been using the spike protein in our vaccines.  The vaccines get our cells in our body to manufacture that protein.  If we can mount an immune response against that protein, in theory we can prevent this virus from infecting the body.  That's the theory behind the vaccine.

However, when studying [severe cases of Covid-19] everything that you've just described—heart problems, lots of problems with the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting—is all associated with severe Covid-19.  Doing that research, what has been discovered by the scientific community is that the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system.  If it gets into circulation.  Indeed, if you inject the purified spike protein into the blood of research animals, they get all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system.  It can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain. 

Now, at first glance, that doesn't seem too concerning, because we're injecting these vaccines into the shoulder muscle.  The assumption, all up until now, has been that these vaccines behave like all of our traditional vaccines, that they don't go anywhere other than the injection site.  So they stay in our shoulder, and some of the protein will go to the local draining lymph node in order to activate the immune system.

However, . . .  and this is where it gets scary, through a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency, myself and several international collaborators have been able to get access to what's called a bio-distribution study.  It's the first time ever that scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA vaccines go after vaccination.  In other words, is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle?

The short answer is: absolutely not!  It is very disconcerting that the spike protein gets into the blood and circulates through the blood in individuals.  Over several days, post vaccination, it accumulates, once it gets the blood, it accumulates in a number of tissues, such as the spleen, the bone marrow, the liver, the adrenal glands.  One that’s of particular concern for me is that it accumulates at quite high
concentrations in the ovaries. 

[A paper just accepted for publication] that backs this up, looked at 13 young health care workers that had received the Moderna vaccine, which is the other messenger RNA-based vaccine we have in Canada, and they confirm this.  They found the spike protein in circulation—so in the blood—of 11 of those 13 health care workers that had received the vaccine. 

What this means—so we’ve known for a long time: that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin.  It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation.  Now we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make . . .  the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein—the vaccine itself plus the protein gets into blood circulation.  When in circulation the spike protein can bind to the receptors that are on our platelets and the cells that line our blood vessels.  When that happens it can do one of two things it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting.  That's exactly why we've been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. 

It can also lead to bleeding.  And, of course, the heart's involved; it's a key part of the cardiovascular system, [and] that's why we're seeing heart problems the protein it can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage that's why also in the fatal cases of blood clots many times it's seen in the brain. 

And also of concern is, there's also evidence of a study--this has not yet been accepted for publication yet, this one--they were trying to show that the antibodies from the vaccine get transferred through breast milk, and the idea was this may be a good thing because it confers some passive protection to babies.  However, what they found inadvertently was that the vaccines, these messenger vaccines, actually get transferred through the breast milk, delivering the vaccine vector itself into infants that are breastfeeding.  Also . . . we know [that if] the spike protein gets into circulation, any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk.  Looking into the adverse event database in the United States we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract so . . .

Pierson:  Okay, let me pause you there because I've only got about 45 seconds left.  I mean the bottom line is, this is scary.  This will freak a lot of people out, this message.

Bridle:  Yes, so this has implications for blood donation right now cleaning blood. Canadian blood services is saying people that who have been vaccinated can donate; We don't want transfer of these pathogenic spike proteins to fragile patients who are being transfused with that blood.  This has implications for infants that are suckling, and this this has serious implications for people for whom Sars Coronavirus-2  is not a high-risk pathogen, and that includes all of our children.

In short, the conclusion is we made a big mistake.  We didn't realize it until now.  We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein.  So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.  And in some people [the spike protein] gets into circulation and when that happens in some people it can cause damage especially to the cardiovascular system. 

And I don't have time [to discuss them now] but I have many other legitimate questions about the long-term safety of this vaccine.  For example, with it accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions, is will we be rendering young people infertile?  So I’ll stop there.  I know it is heavy heading, but . . .

Pierson:  yeah, I'm up against the clock; I need like an hour when I talk to you because you have so much information, and of course you’re one opinion among many but, you know, it's interesting because you have a different look at it and certainly time will tell on this.  But we'll have you on again because I always get an interesting and different perspective from you doctor, thank you.

Bridle:  It was my pleasure, take care.

Pierson:That is doctor bridal who a lot of you like, and like to hear.And again, that's his findings; again, we get lots of different medical opinions.That’ll scare a lot of people, but there are a lot of people already who don't trust the vaccines, given this [cut off].

Researchers have noted that covid cases look like cardio-vascular disease, and the spike protein is the culprit. A Salk Institute study found that a pseudovirus with the spike protein attached was capable of causing the disease:

In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.

The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.

Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.

Those who think Dr. Bridle is being too alarmist have pointed out that the study he cites (in which 11 of 13 healthcare workers had the spike protein in their blood plasma) detected only tiny amounts of the protein, orders of magnitude less than would be produced in a severe Covid-19 infection, and orders of magnitude less than what was injected into test animals in the animal studies. They argue that the vaccine will never cause the body to produce so much spike protein that it will damage the cardiovascular system.

But Dr. Bridle is offering an explanation for observed adverse reactions to the vaccines. These adverse reactions have clustered around cardio-vascular issues like heart attack, stroke, and neurological problems (convulsions, seizures, tremors) of the type that the spike protein crossing the blood/brain barrier might cause. There have been many reports of heart attacks, stroke, myocarditis, various vascular inflammations, blood clots, Bullous pemphigoid (multiple skin blisters), immune thrombocytopenia, etc. Teenagers are being diagnosed with myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart, after being vaccinated. Heart attack and stroke are the main causes of death in the UK among adverse reactions to the jab.

A disturbing fact that the CDC just reported is that while only 8.8% of vaccines have been administered to young people between the ages of 12 and 24, more than half of the cases (52.5%) of heart inflammation have come from this group.


This would seem to indicate that young people are far more at risk for the type of cardio-vascular adverse reaction to the vaccine than are older folks. One explanatory theory that comes to mind is that younger folks’ cell machinery is more efficient, and mRNA injected into them produces a far larger volume of the spike protein, such that they are more at risk for cardio-vascular damage (this also explains why the oldest age group is seeing fewer cases than would be expected).

Clearly, there are serious side-effects of the vaccine. At present, these adverse reactions occur in only a small proportion of those vaccinated, far less than one percent. Nevertheless, it is foolish to believe that there is no risk from the vaccines. There are risks involved with everything we do in life.

Let’s “follow the science.” The CDC, not known for conservative figures relating to Covid, gives the official survival rate for those under 20 years of age as 99.997%. Covid is not a real threat to teenagers, so why risk a vaccine the long term effects of which are totally unknown? Given the lack of danger from the disease itself, even the low level of risk associated with the vaccine makes it unwise for teenagers and young adults to be vaccinated, because the risk of dying from Covid in that demographic may well be lower than the risk of programing your body’s cells to make millions of copies of the spike protein, a pathogen that even by itself is capable of causing a range of cardio-vascular and even neurological problems.

Given how stratified the disease is, each individual at each age level needs to make a decision based upon personal characteristics and his or her own judgement and balancing of risks. Ninety-five percent of Covid deaths are in the over 50 demographic, and that is the group that should be weighing the relative risks and seriously considering the vaccine.

It is not until you reach the “age 70 and above” demographic that your chances of surviving the disease dips below 99%. In the 70 and over age bracket the survival rate if you contract Covid is about 94%. And if you are over age 70, it would not matter to you if one of the long term effects of the vaccine was sterility. The possible benefit of the vaccine becomes greater, the possible risks, especially long-term risks, decline. The decision to take the vaccine becomes easier.