AdventistHealth Dietary Advice "Eat More Shrimp, and have Some Booze"

AdventistHealth now knows better than the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Hungry? Have some shrimp. Oh, and have some alcohol with that, just not too much!

Maybe this is how they plan on getting more business, from increased cardiac events, to arterial occlusion and broken arms from drunken line dancing.

It’s right up there with a roofer advising building owners to scatter simplex nails on their EPDM roof, and your auto mechanic advising you to dump Elmer’s Glue in your engine crankcase, just not too much. A little isocyanate in the radiator can’t hurt anything. Be moderate.

These people have lost their way.

On the advice on their lawyers (risk management), the Seventh-day Adventist Church distanced themselves from the healthcare institutions of the church back in the 1980’s. The goal was to limit financial liability—so any grievances against the healthcare system could not come after the SDA church. To keep from completely distancing themselves from the SDA church, church officials were given a seat on the boards of these medical institutions, and they were allowed to use our name.

Notice that the SDA church is relatively unconcerned about the moral and spiritual liability of these institutions using a derivative of our name while donating one million dollars to a gay monument of the Pulse Nightclub killing, or sponsoring a Nascar event that runs on Sabbath, or any number of pro-LGBTQ and pro-big government initiatives.

Conclusion. When money is at risk, we will go to great lengths to distance the church from liability. When spiritual and moral issues place our members at risk, meh.


“Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things” (Philippians 3:19).