Liberty University: We Stand Unapologetically on the Word of God

In an interview with Todd Starnes for his radio show, Liberty University spokesman Ryan Helfenbein stated that at Liberty University, “we stand unapologetically on the Word of God. And we’re not afraid to go right on the cutting edge of cultural front line issues, and training that next generation against all the machinations of the woke left but doing so with the Word of God, something that doesn’t change regardless of where the culture might rest, we’re standing firm.”

The interview also covered recent topics such as student loan forgiveness and the raid on Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago:

Todd STARNES: I know the students are back at Liberty University, and you’re raising up some great patriots there, champions for Christ, which is the motto of Liberty University.

Ryan HELFENBEIN: That’s exactly right! Training champions for Christ, and as a matter of fact this is our second largest on record incoming student body. Last year was our largest and we have the largest residential population at any given time so we are on the up and up and up.

STARNES: And that’s a good thing for the country because you guys at Liberty are just doing an incredible job, I mean, we’ve enjoyed a long partnership with Liberty, and one of the reasons we really respect what’s happening there is that you guys are educating the next generation of American Patriots.

HELFENBEIN: Yeah, we really are, and I want to give credit to Dr. Jerry Prevo who is basically recasting the vision of Dr. Falwell, biblically based, we stand unapologetically on the Word of God. And we’re not afraid to go right on the cutting edge of cultural front line issues and training that next generation against, you know, all the machinations of the woke left but doing so with the Word of God, something that doesn’t change regardless of where the culture might rest, we’re standing firm.

STARNES: is the website ladies and gentlemen. You know, Ryan a couple of days ago a couple of Ivy League professors wrote a New York Times essay. They say the Constitution is broken and should not be reclaimed. Are you surprised that that sort of argument is out there in the public realm?

HELFENBEIN: No, I’m not at all, because the Constitution is what stands in the way of them basically reshaping our entire country and claiming Western Civilization. You know, the Constitution along with the family, along with the Church, along with these other traditional institutions stands as a document, it’s not perfect as the Bible is, but it stands as a document that protects our sacred rights and one of those is the freedom of speech, you know, the freedom of conscience, religious liberty, all of those things. In order to fundamentally change this country, they have to get rid of the Constitution. That’s why they hate it so desperately.

STARNES: Biden Says Taxpayers Must Repay Loans For Deadbeat College Kids. And again, looking long term here, that’s the goal. I mean, Barrack Obama announced, back when he was running for the White House in 2007, he wanted to fundamentally transform America. And a lot of people, I don’t really think they understood, Ryan, what he was talking about at the time.

HELFENBEIN: Yeah, you know, if people were paying close attention, and few were, they heard the sound clips of Jeremiah Wright, United Church of Christ, there in Chicago, Liberation Theology was what undergirded a lot of his thinking on these issues. It’s a radical Marxist blend . . .  with Christianity, that pulls those together, and today a part of the radical left is Critical Race Theory and Critical Theory. It’s all about deconstruction and dismantling our sacred institutions. That’s exactly what was happening. That project started decades ago, and certainly we had ideologues like Barrack Obama who were pushing that agenda.

STARNES:  Ryan Helfenbein from the Standing for Freedom Center at Liberty University joins us. Ryan, a lot of news about this FBI raid at Mar a Lago. is now reporting that contrary to earlier reports, the Biden administration not only knew about the raid but may have, in fact, instigated it. Any surprise there?

HELFENBEIN: No, because it’s right underneath the Department of Justice. You know, when you think about the history of the FBI and again, I’m not trying to undermine our institutions, but when you think about the history going all the way back to John F Kennedy and Woodrow Wilson, there have been moments where it has been used as a political actor and not enforcing equal protection under the law.

STARNES: It’s absolutely insane. And when you look back at the history of the FBI and Donald Trump, from day one, they’ve declared war on him. And time and time again, every accusation they’ve made against the president and then even as a candidate, did not stand up at the end of the day. Leading a lot of people to suggest that this is all political in nature.

HELFENBEIN: Yes. I mean, 90 days within the midterms, you know, what are we left to think other than it was for political purposes and political gain? And I’ll just add, too, that they had videos released as early as spring of 2021 that were projecting a whole woke agenda at the FBI in terms of their intersectional qualifications for recruiting new agents. So there you go.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a Seventh-day Adventist college would forthrightly say, “we’re training the next generation against the machinations of the woke Left”?

I’m not aware of any spokesman for an SDA college or university saying that. They all seem to be down for the revolution, insanely imagining that wokism/Leftism can somehow be compatible with Christianity and the biblical worldview.

In truth, the Seventh-day Adventist colleges need to go even further than Liberty University, and forgo all government funds, including grants and guaranteed student loans. Almost the entire federal government, from the FBI to the DOJ to the FDA to the CDC, is being controlled by the Adversary of souls, and being run for his purposes not God’s, and yet our colleges still think they can inculcate a biblical worldview while taking government funds? Sheer madness. The only path forward for Adventist education is eternal vigilance against wokism, and disentangling ourselves from the U.S. government.

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The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isa. 40:8