Prayer Opportunity For Mark Andrew Fox

Hi Friends, I truly request and appreciate your fervent prayers for my health. According to my Dr. I have Chronic Kidney Disease at a stage 3. We are praying that God will help my CKD to not reach stage 4. I realize my mortality more than ever but also my Saviors love and mercy.

I am seeking to be in harmony with all of God's laws of health. I am walking at least 5 miles a day and right now I am on one meal a day to lose 15 pounds to help lower my blood pressure some.

I have been health conscious ever since I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 19, but there are some things I needed to do better. That said I generally feel good and notice no symptoms but that will change dramatically if CKD reaches stage 4. So yes, I am tuly motivated to cooperate with my Divine Physcian and do my best while resting in His personal everlasting love. I am thankful that Jesus died for me and that my future is in His loving hands.

My wife and I continue to be fully engaged in our full time global Forever Free Ministries and appreciate your prayers and support. We hope you will visit our Amazing Prophecies YouTube Channel and be blessed.

I am claiming Isaiah 38:19 "The living, the living man, he shall praise You, As I do this day; The father shall make known Your truth to the children." I want to be around a long time especially to be blessing to my family (Hope, Caleb & Jordan).


Mark and Loyda live in Corinth, Texas. Mark is Speaker/Director at Forever Free Ministries