ADRA Canada's DIE Advisor Champions Gender Equality and Climate Action

ADRA, which is little more than an NGO subsidiary of the United Nations, has their own D.I.E. officer (Diversity Inclusion and Equity) named Maddy Yeshaw.

She recently attended the 2023 Women Deliver conference in Rwanda.

One of the things that women learned at the WD2023 conference is that Climate justice is inseparable from gender justice. After all, both are Siamese twin subtexts of social justice, the holy grail of the United Nations lefty agenda —an agenda that is increasingly being adopted by ADRA.

Feminism. Climate change. These are sacraments of the religion of social justice, a religion devoid of any connection to the Three Angels’ Messages.


Modern feminism is defined by talking non-stop about the things that don’t matter (like climate change) to avoid talking about the things that do (like righteousness and biblical conversion). It long ago stopped being a movement and became a series of distractions, including the inability to define what a woman actually is. Its lone virtue is being a prisoner of the left.

Climate Change

Climate change is a creepy obsession with weather, manifested by manipulating children into supporting a destructive partisan agenda that is funded through massive government grants. When they grow up they can become ‘experts’ who credit every weather event and snowstorm to ‘climate change’. Replacing God with Gaia means that every bit of weather is evidence of man’s sinful industrial nature. ADRA Germany is up to their eyeballs in this stuff.

Up until January 2020, the Church of Climate Change had been predicting warmer winters and liberal policymakers in Austin and in Texas cities controlled by the lefties had counted on it. Defying expectations and experts, Austin recorded its lowest temperature in 33 years and its deepest snowfall in 55 years. Warmer winters weren’t reality. Reality was plowing through 6 inches of snow in a city that was expecting warmer, not colder weather.

What happened in Texas isn’t extraordinary. It’s weather, in spite of the heady green aroma of climate change fervor at the Women Deliver conference in Rwanda.

LGBTQ Activism

Other attendees of this conference spoke glowingly of their queer feminist activism, relaxing in the safety of the intersectional oppression tree. Points awarded.

And ADRA sent their gender equality advisor there. Not to share the Everlasting Gospel with women from around the world who need biblical truth and hope, but to cash in on the artificial boom of green and red social justice.

The Women Deliver conference is big on revisionism and small on righteousness.

Revisionist history, like all fantasy, reverses reality, victims become perpetrators, norms turn into aberrations, deity is made common, the mundane is worshiped, the rare is deemed commonplace and sin is praised as virtue. In other words, it’s perfect for the United Nations and its ideological minion that starts with an ‘A’ and ends with an ‘A’

Here is the patience of the saints? No.

Here is the partisanship of the ensnared.


They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen” (Romans 1:25).