Mark Steyn Interviews Naomi Wolf

Mark Steyn, public intellectual and musicologist for the English-speaking world, sits down for an hour-long interview with Naomi Wolf about her book, “The Bodies of Others.” The interview was apparently conducted last October 17th, but was posted or re-posted on Steyn’s website just a few days ago:

Shortly after the 30-minute mark, they got onto the topic of how the churches disgracefully shut their doors during Covid.  Steyn stated that he was surprised at how passive the churches were in the face of the unprecedented action of shutting down houses of worship indefinitely.  Wolf, who is Jewish, stated that she “broke up” with her local synagogue, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, because they refused to ever re-open their doors for worship.  She concludes that shutting down the houses of worship was a crucial part of the demoralization of civil society that Covid was intended to effectuate: 

Mark Steyn:  “I was stunned by how passive the churches were, not just the Pope but also the Church of England.  Because that was perhaps the weirdest aspect of it, that they all meekly shut their doors, and suddenly religion is something you can just do shut up at home, which the Bible actually explicitly says, “no, that’s not how you do it.” [Heb. 10:24-25; Acts 2:42, 46] So its almost as if it was an organized attack—they didn’t just do it through government, but they took every other major lever of society.

Naomi Wolf:  “Absolutely.  And specifically the institutions and the communities that give us strength, as individuals, and lead us, would otherwise lead us to resist an all-encompassing materialist, basically communist/big tech oligarchy.   

Let’s just look at religion—and this is the argument in “The Bodies of Others”—when they shut down worship, and they did it systematically, I mean my synagogue in Great Barrington broke up with me because—it was not a good fit—

Mark Steyn: Really?

Naomi Wolf:  Yes! Because I kept saying--you know it’d been almost a year, and I had just moved into the area when the pandemic began.  And I’m like, “I have not been in a room with other worshipers [for a year]. So I was saying, “can we worship in the parking lot? You, know, those of us who want to?”

“No, you can’t worship in the parking lot. 

Mark Steyn: Heretic alert! Apostate!

Naomi Wolf:  And, finally, I said to the Rabbis, “If someone wanted spiritual connection and I was a Rabbi, I would meet with them in a parking lot, I would meet with them in a bus shelter. What is this?”

But they were using a script: not until Purim, not until Passover, not until Hannukah.  And it was the same script you saw in the churches: not until Easter.  I saw this in Britain, too. You know, you might be free after Easter, you might have freedom day after whatever the next holiday is.

And then they took the money!  There are literally public health officials or epidemiologists now sitting on the boards of synagogues that are still closed—still closed two and a half years later!  And this “trusted messenger” money went to the churches.  It went to the black churches, it went to the Jehovah’s Witnesses—one of my filmmakers is documenting that.  Big checks and the checks were for Covid compliance. So they’re not going to let people worship.

And worse than that—and I’m almost done with this rant, but it’s a really important one—I put out on Twitter, “my synagogue won’t let me worship. I don’t care where I go, I want to be with God and with other people who want to be with God. Who will take me in? I’ll go to a Catholic church.” So I go to a Catholic church up the road and they’re segregating vaccinated from unvaccinated IN CHURCH, and not letting the unvaccinated have the kiss of peace.

A lengthy part of the interview dealt with how the “Western democracies” now have merely the appearance of self-government, but all the important decisions are being made outside of the political process, and there is less and less of even the appearance of self-government.  Steyn and Wolf were largely in agreement on that point. More and more, the appearance matches the reality—which is that global elites are simply installing someone to their liking to do their bidding.

Wolf has concluded that the point of the Covid and the way the governments reacted to it was the demoralization of Western civil society—to destroy our religion, culture and sense of identity as free citizens of discrete nation-states.

Naomi Wolf: The decision has been made at this meta-level by the World Economic Forum, China, the CCP [Chinese Communist Party], and big tech, that this is the end of the nation-state.  We’re not going to have any more national cultures, we’re not going to have borders that are meaningful.  We’re not going to have ethnic—I mean, I’m a daughter of immigrants, I believe in legal immigration—but it absolutely dissolves a culture to bring in millions of people who are not Moroccans into Morocco, not British into Britain, it changes a culture, especially if it happens illegally or without integration into British institutions, Moroccan institutions. . .

They want to kill the things that give us identity. And also citizenship; you can’t be a citizen if you don’t have national borders that are intact, and again I say that as an anti-racist daughter of immigrants.  You need borders [in order] to have citizens.  They want to dissolve the meaning of the word “citizen.”  And citizens have power; citizens in a democracy can decide which way history goes.  But these people at a meta-level have decided that we’re not going to have that privilege anymore, that that’s over, that the nation-state is over, human rights are over, the constitution is over.

It is interesting that Wolf is far freer and more frank in calling out malevolent intent in these Leftist/globalist machinations than many others would dare to be. As a Jewish woman of the Left, she seems to believe she is immune to the charges of racism and bigotry that would automatically be leveled at, say, a white Christian Protestant man like Tucker Carlson if he said the exact same things—and he often does say the exact same things.

Returning to the issue of the vaccines, Wolf has concluded that the vaccines are a bioweapon, and were always intended as such:

Mark Steyn:  (discussing the push to vaccinate everyone when only those over 70 even arguably might need the vaccine) How does a one-size fits all solution for everybody on the planet get taken seriously?

Naomi Wolf: That question represents a premise that unfortunately is no longer with us, that medical products are there for our well-being, and that our government officials want to support our lives and do what is best for us.  Sadly, . . . I have learned from my 3,500 experts who are going through the Pfizer documents that that was never the intention of these injections.  Pfizer knew a month after the roll-out that they didn’t work—so they don’t work for older people just like they don’t work for younger people in terms of stopping [the spread of] Covid.  The Pfizer documents show harm at a massive scale almost beggaring belief.  Twelve hundred dead in three months; four died the day they were injected.  Thousands and thousands of severe adverse events ranging from blood clots, leg clots, lung clots, to encephalitis, strokes, heart attacks, hemorrhages, neurological disorders at industrial scale.  I’ve spoken on your show about the 360 degree reproductive harms that they represent. . . .

Again, her boldness in calling it like she sees it is remarkable. Tucker Carlson might say that the vaccines are ineffective and risky, but he would never dare say that they are an intentional bio-weapon. She is fearless.

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They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47.