High School Data Shows Gay and Transgender Recruitment

A few days ago, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released the results of a 2021 survey of 12,421 high school students. The survey found that on a national level, 87.3% of male and 61.6% of female students identify as heterosexual (straight).

Across both genders, 74.2% identified as heterosexual, 3.2% identified as gay or lesbian, 11.9% identified as bisexual and 9.0% identified as other/questioning. For females, 3.7% identified as gay or lesbian, 20% identified as bisexual, and 13.7% identified as questioning. For males, 2.4% identified as gay or lesbian, 4% as bisexual, and 3.7% as other/questioning.

Obviously, these data are the result of heavy recruitment efforts by teachers, media, entertainment, and other influencers of the young. The influence is seen not so much in the data on those claiming homosexuality; the number of male high school students identifying as definitely homosexual, 2.4%, is not far off from what would be expected; females identifying as lesbian 4.7% is high and does show some influencing.

But the 11.9% identified as bisexual and 9.0% identified as other/questioning are very large, way out of line with what should be expected. Clearly, the pro-LGBT influencers are sowing confusion and doubt where there should be none. Children and youth are being taught to doubt their sexuality and to be open to the possibility that they are homosexual.

The statistics are available here: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/supplemental-mmwr/students_by_sexual_identity.htm

The data are broken down by state and region, with regions showing a range of between 62.8% and 75.5% identifying as heterosexual and a median statistic of 71.9%.

The lowest region identifying as heterosexual was Portland, Oregon, at 62.8%. Florida, in the news for legislation on the subject, is at 75.1%, and Utah comes in highest at 85.2%.

If we were dealing with a phenomenon that were purely genetic, we would not expect large regional differences. But clearly some regions of the country are more accepting of gay and lesbian culture and open to efforts to recruit young people into these lifestyles. Cultural differences of one sort or another are the only rational explanation for such data.

Another troubling trend is that while adults who identify as transgender have held steady at about one half of one percent of the population, teenagers identify as transgender at three times that rate, or about 1.5%. Again, this is obviously not genetics; this is influencing and recruitment.

And again the recruitment shows up in regional differences: “Our estimates of the percent of residents in U.S. regions who identify as transgender range from 1.8% in the Northeast to 1.2% in the Midwest for youth ages 13 to 17.”

Why is transgenderism 50% higher in the Left-leaning Northeast than in the more conservative Midwest? That is recruitment, not genetics.

“At the state level, our estimates range from 3.0% of youth ages 13 to 17 identifying as transgender in New York to 0.6% in Wyoming.” So transgenderism is five times more prevalent in New York than in Wyoming? That is recruitment, not genetics.

A monstrous evil is overtaking our country. Children and youth are being recruited into permanent bodily mutilation, chemical and surgical castration, double mastectomy of 14-year old girls, a lifetime of expensive cross-sex hormones, etc. all of which are useless, because a man cannot be turned into a woman, nor a woman into a man. The differences go all the way down to the chromosomes.

It is time for Christians to stand up to this evil, and the first step is to reject the lie that this is how people are born. It isn’t. Children are being recruited and influenced to reject their God-given gender.