La Sierra University Church is Getting Even Gayer

In November, an ‘adventist’ church will host a gay campmeeting complete with drag brunch. La Sierra University Church.

Sabbath programs will be held on the La Sierra university Church campus (Sierra Vista Chapel and the Fellowship Hall.) The La Sierra University Church is a diverse Seventh-day Adventist Christian congregation located in the La Sierra corner of Riverside, California.

This is the vision of Adventism that J.N. Andrews worked to establish? This is what James and Ellen White labored for? This is what John Loughborough and Hiram Edson sacrificed so much to help establish? Or is this the horrible future that Elder Robert H. Pierson foresaw in his 1978 warning “Don’t Let it Happen”?


Can you spot the difference between gayer Adventism and this diversity, inclusion and equity church in Texas? We didn’t think so:

Cathedral of Hope, Dallas Texas

Both La Sierra University Church and Texas Cathedral of Hope are hosting Drag Brunch’s.


Whoever is steadfast in righteousness will live, but he who pursues evil will die” (Proverbs 11:19).