Adventist Church Organization Helping to Facilitate Mass Illegal Migration

According to the Center for Immigration Studies some churches (including the Seventh-day Adventist Church) are assisting in a massive UN-led immigration project. According to the above article, a CIS examination reveals pass-through taxpayer funding of the worst mass migration in U.S. history.

AUSTIN, Texas — As the Center for Immigration Studies recently reported, a United Nations-led “Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP)” calls for more than 200 nonprofit groups to dole out $1.6 billion in cash debit cards, food, clothing, medical treatment, shelter, and even “humanitarian transportation” during 2024 to millions of U.S.-bound immigrants in 17 Latin American nations and Mexico. At first it was unclear who was involved in this and where the money was coming from.

“But suspicions that the Biden administration is directly footing the bill for the most voluminous mass migration crisis in U.S. history, now in its fourth straight year, can now be confirmed.”

A follow-up CIS examination of the more than 30 faith-based nonprofits among those UN NGO partners — representing Jewish, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic, and nondenominational evangelical organizations — shows that the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have been mainlining taxpayer funds to these groups, which then distribute them to keep hundreds of thousands of migrants comfortably moving toward illegal U.S. southern border crossings.

The UN has entrusted faith-based establishment NGOs with handling a lot of the $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance” and “Multipurpose Cash Assistance” the broader endeavor will hand out to an estimated 624,000 migrants “in-transit” to the United States during 2024. That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards, but also hard “cash in envelopes”, bank transfers, and mobile transfers that the U.S. border-bound travelers can use for whatever they want.


According to the article, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s “global humanitarian arm”, the Silver Spring, Md., Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), plans to distribute more than $10 million, nearly 38 percent of it as cash and cash vouchers and the rest as food, shelter, and hygiene needs in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, and Peru.

ADRA received significant funding from the State Department from 2021-2023, nearly $51 million in 2021, $32 million in 2022, and more than $9 million in 2023 and two unspecified grants so far for 2024, according to USAspending.  It’s unclear how much of that is earmarked for U.S.-bound immigrants in Latin America, but clearly some of it will be in 2024.  Brazil and Honduras were among the top countries where ADRA spent money.  First Covid, and now this?


We believe that the PARL department of the GC is way too chummy with the United Nations (UN). As a globalist organization that is two parts incompetent and two parts corrupt, true Adventism has zero in common with the UN. This relationship weakens the Seventh-day Adventist Church, instead of strengthening it. Who in their right mind would ever think that our Seventh-day Adventist founders would advise such a federation with a group like the United Nations?

Or, just add a fundamental belief that the our church administration leans hard left. Full disclosure, there.

Organizations associated with the Catholic Church, collectively, move among the largest volumes of cash and other aid into the hands of U.S.-bound foreign nationals, more than $26 million. Three Jesuit-associated groups are to move some $5.3 million into immigrant hands, while the Catholic Commission for Social Justice sends out nearly $2 million.

We have been warning about social justice for 12 years, and this is one of the reasons. It causes the church to support social justice causes like feminism, abortion, radical environmentalism, LGBTQ, CRT, a godless worldview, and now illegal immigration.

A better approach would be to break off the relationship between the GC and the United Nations and focus on spreading the Three Angels Messages around the world. Our committed worldwide members would get behind that. We would too.

The United Nations

  • Alice and Foster Bailey founded "Lucifer Publishing Company." After the first two or three years, the name was changed to "Lucis Publishing Co."

  • Alice and Foster Bailey founded the Lucis Trust in 1922. Its activities include the Arcane School, World Goodwill, Triangles, a quarterly magazine called The Beacon, and a publishing company primarily intended to publish Bailey's many books. The Arcane School gives instruction and guidance in meditation via correspondence based on the ideas in Bailey's books. World Goodwill is intended to promote better human relations through goodwill, which they define as "love in action". That "action" included the support of the United Nations.

  • In 1932, the Lucis Trust established World Goodwill, which has been historically recognized by the UN, boasts “defining new Sustainable Development Goals for humanity,” and encourages people to pay homage to the Meditation Room.

  • Inside UN headquarters is an ominous ‘meditation’ room. The Lucis Trust ha been in charge of this UN meditation room since its founding. And still is. Its goal is to bring all religions and nations together. That should be easy since, “Uniformity of beliefs is unnecessary.” What's necessary? A shared spiritual experience and collective service, namely mysticism and social justice.

Pray that our church leaders would have the wisdom and courage to withdraw themselves from this corrupt organization.


“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, and cause it to give off a foul odor;
So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor. A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart at his left” (Ecclesiastes 10:1-2).