It's Not Non-Compliance, It's Rebellion

 The church has been dealing with the issue of non-compliance for at least 7 years. I'm wondering now if the term NC should be replaced with rebellion.

I don't like the word rebellion. I have friends on both sides of this issue. But at what point does non-compliance become flat out rebellion?

I could be wrong, but after viewing the GCAC19 proceedings, it sure looks and smells like rebellion—similar to what took place in Pilate’s judgement hall. You've got deception, crowd followers, accusations hurled by those who are guilty of the very thing they are accusing the innocent One of. You've got scared disciples and leaders who are in positions of influence and power having authority to administer righteous judgement, who end up compromising principle on the grounds that they would not be seen as Caesar's friend. The results were that Christ was crucified and the cry was made in justification of this act... "His blood be on us and our children."

Rebellion Wounds People

I wonder if the actions—or lack thereof—that took place last week at AC, might also have a devastating effect on our children. Though Christ was dishonored in the decisions that were made in Pilate’s Judgement Hall, Christ having faith in His Father took man's cowardice and selfishness and turned the situation around for our our salvation.

But for God to turn wrongs around to work for our good—as in the days of Pilate—means there must be a recognition of failure, and repentance. We must acknowledge that what we have done has not been according to the Apostles and prophets in preserving the integrity of church. We have not been faithful—as Jesus was—in unmasking hypocrisy and demonstrating the kind of love that rebukes sin. “As many as I love I rebuke….”. That faithful call to repentance which spares no one and is no respecter of persons, is seldom heard in the church. 

Another Gospel . . .

Sure, we love to go on record as a Church and boast in our media publications as having a prophetic voice attacking worldly institutions, and the sins of the world. But when I read my Bible, I observe that the main function of the prophet was call the Church to repentance; to address the sin issues that bring dishonor to His name in the church. Our prophetic voice has been deflected exclusively away from its main purpose—the church. It has been redirected to addressing exclusively the social ills and sometimes perceived social injustices of our times. I am not saying that the Church and God are not concerned about wrongs and social ills in the world, but never at the expense of that prophetic voice to the Church.

There are many issues that on the surface seem right but in truth are hostile to our mission. That's why we need a prophetic voice to the church. And that prophetic voice—determined by the Holy Ghost—gave spiritual gifts to the Church and ordained that God's last day Remnant Church would come behind in no gift. No other church since the apostasy of the medival church has had this gift operating in her midst, except the one that keeps the Commandments of God and has the Testimony of Jesus.

The Guiding Voice of The SOP

Revelation 19:10 tells us that the Testimony of Jesus is Spirit of Prophecy. This means that Jesus has preserved a remnant that would keep the Commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus. They have been given a prophetic voice to preserve the Church from destructive theories, delusive errors, deceptive half-truths and sentiments until He comes again. Why? Because unlike every other church on the planet, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the object of every weapon of hell that Satan can instigate to distract her from her mission to prepare people for the Second Coming of Christ. The angry dragon is waging a systemic, relentless, propagandized war, through clandestine efforts—to disrespect, dishonor, mock, dilute ours message, and hold impunity as an irrelevant, unnecessary relic of the past. If he could, he would make this Church like every other church—what Bible calls Babylon. Yes, he has declared war against the Church which keeps the Commandments of God and who possesses a true prophetic voice in the writings of Ellen White. Why does the Devil hate the SDA Church? Because it exposes his tactics and reveals his prophetic future. 

While there is great enthusiasm regarding the so-called prophetic voices in our world, how much enthusiasm and regard is there for the true prophet in our own midst? Do we take heed to the counsels that will help us in times of crisis? Do you think that God who ordained the gift of prophecy to His remnant church, would not address the challenges the Church would face until the end of time? The God who describes His Remnant as the object of his supreme regard, do you think He didn't see this coming? Is he blindsided by the events at Annual Council? Let's open the gift and see.

"God has ordained that the representatives of His church from all parts of the earth, when assembled in a General Conference, shall have authority. The error that some are in danger of committing is in giving to the mind and judgment of one man, or of a small group of men, the full measure of authority and influence that God has invested in His church in the judgment and voice of the General Conference assembled to plan for the prosperity and advancement of His work.—Testimonies for the Church 9:260, 261 (1909). LDE 56.1

God has invested His church with special authority and power which no one can be justified in disregarding and despising, for he who does this despises the voice of God.—The Acts of the Apostles, 164 (1911). LDE 56.2

How long does it take for our leaders at the head of the work to realize that the overly cautious approach, and uncertainty about what to do—is unwarranted. God has already spoken. The undue respect and sympathy for wrongdoers has not honored God and certainly has not brought about the results hoped for. What is has done is fan the flame of deception to greater intensity.

High position in the church does not exempt leaders from exercising prompt biblical discipline when it is called for. If I, as a Pastor, have to do it on the local level, and be held accountable, then it is even more important that faithfulness in this duty is carried out at the higher levels of the church, because of the wider potential of influence. It's is always best to do right, because it is right regardless of the consequences. 

There was a lot talk about conscience. It's time we hear more of our leaders come out of the safe zone and proclaim "My conscience is held captive—not to my personal feelings, not to current social movement trends, political influences, cultural bias, the "Spirit of the Times" No! My conscience is held captive to the Word of God, the Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy; and three General Conference Session votes, here I stand I can do no other.

We must say what God says. When He says no, it does not mean “Maybe at a future time.” No means no! And if leaders say anything else than what God says, then repentance is called for; both on part of those who are inciting rebellion, and those who because of fear, don't meet the crisis head on as did Moses, Elijah, and Jesus Christ did their times.

The Fear Factor

Let's face it, the root of inaction is fear. Fear of what people might think; fear losing votes at the next constituency session; fear that if I speak strong passionate words, I may be viewed as as a dictator or perceived as trying to sway votes my way; fear of how I maybe perceived by my colleagues in my Conference, Union, or Division—who hold me in high esteem. Fear of my Conference, Union, or Division president. Fear of having to vote publicly where everyone sees where I stand. Fear of  being in the minority, and worse yet—standing alone.

As the writer of a Fulcrum7 article stated in so many words, “We fear because we don't have faith that God will stand with us even though the odds are stacked against us.” Why in the world would a teenager with only a sling shot, go against a 9 foot giant in full body amour, and scary weapons designed to kill? Was he stupid? Could he have been drunk or mentally impaired? No! David had faith.

Or to put it another way, David exercised faith and it was not difficult because he had been exercising faith in other matters as demonstrated with lions and bears. He had already learned this one important lesson: He understood that he could confidently exercise faith as long as he was doing the right thing to honor his God. Even when the odds of surviving a crisis were against him, he knew that God would turn things around in his favor. As long as the spiritual prosperity of God’s people was his highest desire, he learned he would be assured of success even in risky endeavor. 

The Faith of Jesus

I am suggesting along with the writer, faith is not exercised merely because it’s on paper, or that a vote has been taken, and assigned to another committee. Faith is exercised when—in spite of the odds—a leader does something for the flock’s protection and God’s honor. Faith always acts in the face of risks because Our God is able.


Let's pray that our leaders rectify this dishonor, and honour God by calling sin by it's right name; by coming out of the politically correct safety zone, whether at the next G.C. session or perhaps even before.

Pray that our leaders and delegates come out of the closet and dismiss their fears. Pray that they will exercise faith, take the risk and do the right thing however unpopular it may seem at the time. They will be assured success when they exercise the faith they already have, and when we stand on the convictions that we know are true. The impact and influence of courage demonstrated in our various arenas of service may surpass our expectations! It may even achieve a 2/3 vote.

But more importantly it will please God. Without faith it is impossible to please Him!

“He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).


 Stanley Dixon is Assistant to the President for Western New York, Northeastern Conference, and Pastor of Mount Carmel SDA Church.