Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones (Adventist Edition) -- Biblical and Denominational Sabotage?

This article is for those sincerely seeking “Guidance” and direction as it relates to the ever present LGBT+ dilemma in the church and effecting families. If you’ve made up your mind and are no longer interested in Biblical enlightenment, this article is not for you. It will only anger you. And I don’t want to anger or upset anyone. My passion, as someone who has lived and breathed same-sex attraction for as long as I can remember, is to reveal what God so patiently and lovingly revealed to me.

Someone who has been there is anxious to please and honor God is likely going to be a reliable source over those simply imposing their opinion on you. I speak from experience and bring a wealth of information to consider, that Christians most often overlook.

First, a person has to ask themselves, “What is the perspective I am  approaching this topic from?” From that of Jesus, or from that of my personal goals and desires? What if you’ve been threatened by your close relative, son, daughter or friend, that if you don’t approve of them, then you don’t love them and will never see them again?  Is your position worth re-evaluating?  Could you maybe make some allowances for social justice or a reinterpretation of Scripture? Because that is exactly what culture is dictating today.

Or are you interested above all else, living for, loving, honoring and pleasing God?

Why all the fuss about this book distributed by the North American Division,… “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones?”  A Facebook commenter on my thread says… it’s brought parents and children together for the first time in a very long time.  Tears were shed. Embraces were exchanged.  There was long anticipated joy in the room. So how did that come to take place? What processes were undertaken? What “Posture shift” transpired?

If you have not obtained your free copy of “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones,” I encourage you to do so.  Search “Guiding Families” at

Why were the two “redemptive” ministries, made up of former gays and lesbians overlooked and ignored for a message from a “ministry” outside of Adventism? What does that “ministry” offer? The ministry leader is Bill Henson. His ministry is called “Lead Them Home.” But from all that I have been able to ascertain, I’m not witnessing the return of LGBT+ identified people to an identity in Christ and a distancing from LGBT+ culture.  Why is Henson’s message so appealing?

Because it does not call for self-denial, but self-celebration. It challenges family, friends and clergy to “accept” the person for “who they are.” Instead of a godly love, a culturally constructed love is applied to open the floodgates of “love” and “open communication.” 

Please allow me to be the first to confirm that God meets us where we are, but if we are willing, He never leaves us where we are. That would only insure life on this earth alone. Jesus isn’t going to force anyone to accept His statutes prior to entry to His kingdom.  Is He God to you? Or is He simply an association or a “Jeanie” that you pray to when you want something bad?  I’m being real. Because it’s time to be real.

Bill Henson wrote the “Adventist Edition” in coordination with the Andrews LGBT+ Andrews Study. That study is celebrated by Adventist Today and Spectrum Magazine. These two magazines push for LGBT+ rights and total acceptance. They often host readers that don’t care for the traditional beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists, but can’t seem to break free from the Church. They hang around to agitate and win others to a flip side of Adventism fashioned by a worldly culture and appetite for approval of things that God has stipulated are not in His favor.

As I grew up in the Adventist faith, I loved Jesus, but I couldn’t figure out why I was apparently messed up. Effeminate, creative, sensitive and eventually same-sex attracted. Finally caving into the teasing and harassing and whispering that the church helped orchestrate, ushering me right out the church doors into the open, waiting arms of the gay community. But that is history and today is about correction, healing and growing in Christ.  No, not just for me… but for the church at large.

My greatest challenge in my return to Christ and choosing to live for and honor Him, has been “leadership,” with rare exception. Lord, save us from your people!  Praise God for the few exceptions that have been genuine in their search for biblical education and Christ directed solutions. Not simply for the LGBT+ person, but for ALL who seem stuck in the sin rut. Once more, Jesus never leaves you the way He finds you.

There are so many, including the producers of “Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones,” who are on a mission to connect those who are estranged.  Ie; parents and LGBT+ children. To be clear, the book was produced by a committee on Human Sexuality at the NAD, not the leadership of the NAD or the GC.  It made its way into circulation without printed endorsement of the church.

There is a statement in bold letters on page three that tells you that “Nothing in this resource will dishonor God’s Word. We encourage you to maintain the biblical position of the Adventist church (see page 71), while adjusting your posture to love others like God has loved you. “

It’s not until page 71 that you read about honoring God’s Word. Most everything in between is  a compromise of His Word, which deeply saddens me.

To be clear, the goal of Know His Love Ministries, of which I am the Director, and the goal of ‘Coming Out’ Ministries, of which I am a retired co-founder, is to reunite LGBT+ people with a trusting relationship with Jesus and with their family. The goal of “Guiding Families” is to reunite LGBT+ people with their families, while eliminating talk of Christ and that which honors and glorifies Him. This is the vast difference. This is what the NAD committee reached out to Bill Henson to construct for them.

I ordered Bill Henson’s other books to see what was removed for Adventists.  Strangely, some of the better work which agrees with Scripture, was removed. Words like a “redemptive approach.” However, given the outcome and recommendations of the Andrews “LGBT+ Adventist study,” I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. That study recommends that we celebrate LGBT+ people “Coming Out.” Not helping them discover their identity in Christ, but celebrate their world association. How disheartening this study was, and that which has transpired through “Guiding Families” as a result.

Far too many leaders who refuse to consult with those within the Adventist faith that have returned to Christ, are flying by the seat of their pants, listening for an “itchy ear” message. Something that will quickly fix or totally overlook a redemptive, self-denying, restorative, reconciliatory approach to Jesus. My heart breaks. 

I waited forty years to return to my faith, only to find that the people in my faith are now running into the open arms of the LGBT+ culture and adapting to their requests and demands, instead of following Jesus and relying on His divine authority. Dear Lord please forgive us.

The first place where the compromise occurs is in the terms “sexual identity” and “sexual orientation.” Acknowledged in Guiding Families and also in Andrews Statement on Homosexuality, “sexual orientation” is not in God’s Word.  Wow!  Do you think that might be a worthy point to ponder before we move forward advocating for “sexual identity” and “sexual orientation?” Isn’t that the HUGE clue to our dysfunctional predicament as it relates to being in agreement with scripture? We turned a hundred and eighty degrees away from scripture and began to campaign for the rights of those choosing to adopt and LGBT+ identity.

Why does someone choose to identify as LGBT+?  They say it’s just who they are. However, scripture is abundantly clear that homosexuals will not enter heaven.  If we’re going to give special rights to homosexuals that depart from God’s Word, why not do that for adulterers?  Many Adventists now identifying as LGBT+, say they don’t practice it. What? You mean you’re simply identifying by your temptation?  Well… the church had better open up the flood gates for all the rest who are tempted and could perhaps demand some rights for their attractions and temptations.  Thieves, adulterers, pedophiles.  Oh wait, the pedophiles are campaigning for rights and many ordinary citizens are on YouTube making statements to help them out.

I’m well aware of Queer Theology that says the Bible doesn’t mean what it says.  If that’s true, then why was it necessary to publish the Queen James version of the Bible that removes all references to same-sex sexual counsel?

Dear brothers and sisters, as Christians our orientation needs to be in Christ, not in sex. My identity is in Jesus, not in sensuality. When you place LGBT+ before “Christian,” and “gay” before “Christian,” you’re quickly revealing who is king in your life, and it’s not Jesus. You’ve dethroned Him.

To those who think they happened upon the “magic wand” that brought about the reconciliation of families, you very well may have. However, keep in mind, “magic” is from the devil, not God.

Counsel tells us that if our focus is not adhered to God and His Holy Word, we are at risk of believing lies at truth and truth as lies. I witness it every day now.

As someone who was long estranged from Jesus and who knows some other Adventists who also wanted to discover what Jesus was asking of them, may I plead with you to go to scripture and claim God’s promises? Represent Jesus, don’t hide Him. And don’t clobber your loved one with Him. That is not how they are won to the cross. If you choose to compromise God’s truth to gain the love of your child, Satan now has a two for one special.

Educate yourselves with trusted Scripture, not from twisted concepts that eliminate Jesus, and preserve a connection that eventually brings mutual demise.

All cannot be shared in this article. That’s why I wrote a book. In the process, I discovered that many other well now former LGBT+ people also discovered the “missing link” in the “Guiding Families” books. They celebrate self, not Jesus.

The earth is full of heartbreak and broken lives. It’s the fallout of sin and its prince. I encourage you to claim your copy of “Line by Line – A Biblical Analysis of Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones.” It will agree, not only with page 71 of “Guiding Families,” but every pages will honor and glorify God, and point to Him as trustworthy and as the “Great Healer” of the heart… and the flesh. Don’t compromise for second best.

As I’ve shared in the past with my audiences, my job is not to act as “Holy Spirit Junior.” I simply want to share witness of what is possible through Jesus. Only He can bring about conviction on your heart.

Reserve your copy of “Line by Line” HERE.


Wayne Blakely is the Director of Know His Love Ministries. After living in the LGBT+ culture for nearly forty years, he surrendered to Jesus ten years ago and today seeks humility in Jesus, sharing His “love in truth” message.