My Report on the Battle For Your Frontal Lobe Conference (Friday)

I exchanged the peace and comfort of rural Ohio for the hustle and bustle of New York City, somehow ending up on the world’s largest parking lot south of La Guardia Airport.  I now know why they call it Grand Central Parkway.   I was headed to the Science vs. Science symposium in Long Island. It could be called ‘True Science vs. False Science.’

 A mere three hours later I finally made it to Riverhead, Long Island, stopping just long enough at the Long Island Welcome Center to sample their nutritional yeast popcorn and raspberry apple juice.  Those two items alone made me forget the 2 hour traffic jam. They were that good!   Contrary to the T-shirts, I didn’t love New York, but I loved those two snacks.

I checked into the Residence Inn, upgraded to a sweet room, err.. suite.

After running through some questions that I was supposed to ask Eva Tompkins in an interview tomorrow morning (Friday) I hit the sack.

Friday morning breakfast was good, as Marriott affiliates usually are.  Then it was time for the Battle for Your Frontal Lobe Conference.  The three themes of this Conference were Evolution vs. Creation, Climate Change, and the Gender Dysphoric madness that is being promoted in our culture.

The interview with Eva Tompkins went well.  She spoke with authority about the oncoming digital dollar that the current administration in Washington DC is pushing.  It was both frightening and enlightening.  This gives the powers that be the ability to monitor your every purchase and shut off your buying power if they decide you don’t deserve it.  Goodbye free market capitalism, hello Revelation 13.

Dr. Subodh Pandit

Next, was a presentation by Dr. Subodh Pandit on creation versus evolution.  It was very good, Biblical and authoritative.  You could tell that this guy knew his stuff.  Some highlights were:

  • The origin (Creation) colors everything that follows afterwards.

  • Humans were made in the image of God. Nature speaks to the consistency of God.

  • Science is not opposed to Christianity —Christianity gave birth to modern science.

  • Evolution is based on assumptions, and assumptions cannot be proved.

  • In the world there is a desperate search for meaning.  People are looking for reasons to believe.  Struggling.  Few are thinkers.

  • Some will not be convinced. For some it takes time.  He has seen avowed atheists become believers in one hour, because they are honest at heart.

Walt Cross

Walt Cross is the director of a medical ministry called the Mustard Seed.  He spoke on Hormones and Behavior patterns.  He was very knowledgeable of health issues.  Some of the highlights were:

  • How to get rid of root causes.  Most modern medicine masks the symptoms, and in order to experience freedom and healing we need to addresses and cure the root causes of our ailments.

  • Hormones influence behavior and behavior can influence the effect of hormones.  That sounds like a merry go round to me.  We need to apply God’s wisdom to our lives.

  • Boys are twice as likely to suffer from schizophrenia.  Males act on testosterone, females are affected by estrogen.

  • Young boys like trucks and balls, young girls like dolls.  No surprise there, in spite of the culture’s attempts to change this.  Babies show toy preferences at 3 months.

  • Hormones shape the development of children — God is the source for this.  Sex differences emerge by 24 months and a child’s character is set at 36 months.  Sexual differentiation occurs by divine fiat.  God creates us male or female (Genesis 5:2).

  • Human males are much more aggressive than females.  More girls are committing assault today. The culture is changing.  There is a debate on why this is happening.  Environment is an issue that is being ignored.

  • Can family structures of kindness and order affect a person?  They can.  Hormones and environment both affect the human body.

  • In Tennessee, Mountain ladies were more aggressive than flat landers. Environment was the cause.

Greg Vatistas

Greg gave an introduction to the Great Controversy. He did a fine job. Highlights:

  • The French Revolution was one of the greatest evils ever perpetrated on the world.

  • The propaganda campaign is rolling today.  We are concerned about Marxist agenda being pushed in our culture. In schools, government, in churches.

  • God has a much higher standard. He doesn’t leave us without hope.

    ·       Greg bought into socialism as a student.  He was told that Communism is evil, capitalism is evil.  That leads young people to socialism as a compromise.

  • Greg was pressed to join House of Representatives.  He declined. The Fourth time he accepted the invitation.

  • What is happening in the world today is an attack on righteousness.

  • True liberty exists because of who God is.  The devil is a counterfeiter.

  • Who makes us free? The son (John 8:36).  Liberty exists in a Person.  The progressive agenda seeks to make you a captive.

  • When liberty is attacked that is the spirit of the devil. 2020 was just the beginning. Tyranny is about to break loose on this world.

  • Marxists misuse the term liberty in every single debate.  Watch for it.

  • Love wants someone to love.  True love necessitates the existence of a free will.

  • The Declaration of Independence was unanimous.  Try that on a church board.

  • All men are created. True liberty can only exist this way.  Life  Liberty  And pursuit of happiness.

  • We are seeing the systematic destruction of liberty.  An attack on the US Constitution. Not first attack.  The first attack on liberty occurred in eternity.

  • The same power is behind both attacks.  Psalm 89.

  • What we are seeing is an attack on righteousness.  What is happing in the nation today is a continuation of that original attack in heaven.

Chloe Cole

Chloe Cole is 19  years old.  She was born in California, and began transitioning into a boy at the impressionable age of 12. 

As a tomboy, she was diagnosed with gender dysphoria at 9 years old and was treated by Kaiser Permanente clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area between the ages of 13 and 17. Both of her breasts were removed at the age 15 at the recommendation of her doctors and therapists.  Later she regretted the surgery and transitioned back into the girl that she was created as. 

After giving her story on Capitol Hill, she has become famous as a detransitioner.  She opposes gender-affirming care (mutilation) for minors and supports bans on such care, following her own detransition. She has appeared numerous times in the media, supporting and advocating for such bans.  

Because of her detransition back to her biological sex, she is widely hated by the trans community, and widely disliked by political leftists.  Her story is fascinating. Here it is:

“I got my first phone at age 12, and credit social media for fostering gender discontent in me and many others.  I got on a social media kick, Snapchat, Instagram etc.

My friends on social media were starting to identify as LGBTQ variations.  Like them, I had body image issues, and poor self-esteem.  The youngest of several siblings, I was a tomboy.

I began to believe the lie, if I become a boy things will be better.  It doesn’t make sense to be a girl.  I cut my hair shorter and wore boy’s clothing.   Although living in the same home, I wrote letter to my parents saying that I was a boy. It was easier than telling them face to face.

I entered a period of thinking.  My parents were unsure what to do, they let me express myself.  They didn’t want me to make permanent decisions.  They were of course, concerned for me.

There was a care group for transgender kids — we went.  My parents were blindsided.  The parents were kept out of appointments with therapists.  I was being encouraged to transition by therapists without the input of my parents.  The doctors never followed up with my parents.

This therapy made me worse—affirmed me in gender confusion.  I felt hopeless.

I wanted to become a boy.  My parents were concerned.  They told the doctor about their concerns.  They said what is the rush? Their concerns were brushed aside.  They were told that they could have a dead daughter or live trans son.  Pressure.

My parents took the only choice that they were given.  Coercion.  Decision under duress.  I received the first shot of puberty blockers at age 13.  This sent me into an induced phase of menopause.  I had hot flashes and wore a T-shirt and shorts outside in winter.  I also became lethargic.

I was given testosterone.  I became hypersexual.  My voice dropped.  Deeper than most boys. My hair grew thicker.  I felt in control. Gender euphoria.

I was satisfied for a while.  I told myself I couldn’t show signs of weakness.  I forgot about my biological reality (that I was a girl) but my heart remembered (Proverbs 14:10).

I went down a depression spiral.  Nobody questioned the treatments I was getting.

I started to get sick.  Resented my breasts.  I had to cover them up with extra clothing, and it was hot in California.  

I sought surgery in my sophomore year.  Doctors affirmed this. I had a double mastectomy at 15.  I wanted to be able to go without a shirt like boys do.

A year later it began to sink in what had happened to me. I realized that trying to be a boy was too much for me.  I started to miss being a girl.   I didn’t like what was happening to me.  It was hard to admit that I had made a mistake.

I decided “Maybe I am non-binary.”  I wore some girls clothes once in a while.  Then I took a biology class as a junior.  It was slap in the face — a wake up call.

Less than a year after the mastectomy I began to have maternal instincts.  I missed my breasts.  It broke my heart. I stopped taking hormone shots.”  

This never should have happened.

I lost a lot.  My support was gone.  I told my parents I was wrong.  My parents felt terrible. I announced on social media that I was detransitioning.  My former ‘friends’ began to hate me.  They told me to shut up! They said I was making others uncomfortable.  They said I was harming the trans community.  I was sixteen years old.

For a while I went silent.  I discovered that all of this was a lie.  A whole community had lied to me.  I was told that I was the only one who was unhappy with transitioning.  Not true.

I began to sense a responsibility to help others.  No better time than now.  I started small.

I talked about it with friends and privately on Twitter.  I didn’t think it would go very far. Suddenly, dozens of parents reached out to me.  Groups reached out to me.  I was invited to speak before Congress regarding a bill to protect minor kids.

Role of Faith

My Dad was Mormon but not involved much in church. I attended church a couple times as a girl.  Didn’t get much value from it.  Looking back, lack of faith was a problem.  As a girl I had no barriers to the LGBTQ+ agenda.

I began to be invited to churches to speak.  I began to sense God.  I realized, I was made the way I was for a reason (Psalm 139:14).

One Scripture that has really inspired me is Matthew 5: 3-7,

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”


Keep speaking the truth.  We will be persecuted for the truth. I have been speaking out since age 17, and have lost a lot for doing so. I was cancelled by YouTube and Instagram, simply for telling my story.

 I dedicated last year to speaking about this issue.  I have missed out on a lot, but I sense my responsibility to speak out.   All of us have a responsibility to speak out against this gender-affirming care (mutilation of minors).

This LGBTQ+ ideology has affected our schools, families, and country.  I want to make sure that what happened to me doesn’t happen to others.”


Summary of Friday

 One thing that impressed me about his meeting is that biblical truths were presented openly. There was a presentation on the state of the dead, the great Controversy, and the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. One Catholic author said that she had read the Great Controversy and is convinced that Ellen White was a prophet.

Heidi of Heidi’s Health Kitchen is not only a tremendous creator of carob treats, she is a fantastic cook as well. The vegetarian meals were superb. Seriously.

Ivan Raj did a great job of organizing this meeting. The mixed audience was treated to plain biblical truths presented in a very compelling manner. It gave us an opportunity to interact with people we don’t normally get to be with, such as a Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic priest who is troubled about his church. These are honest-hearted people looking for Jesus.

Victor Clairmont is a fantastic master of ceremonies.

I heard a story about some Catholics who are convinced that the Great Controversy is truth and are passing these books out to others. Some Seventh-day Adventists in SDA meccas refuse the books, saying they don’t believe it anymore. Talk about a mind bender. I will research this story further and provide details in the Sabbath update.

The meetings on Sabbath were even better. Stay tuned! I left out a lot and will provide those details in the next report.
