Open Letter From Churches to NPUC Delegates



September 11-24, 2016


This letter is prepared for delegates to the September 25, 2016 North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) constituency session by your NPUC churches listed below.

Our churches have become aware that the current president of the Washington Conference presided over the adoption of a commissioned minister policy contradicting the world church, and that Washington Conference members have warned that in light of this, their conference president should not be elected president of the NPUC.

We do not doubt that the individual in question is well meaning. However, the facts are clear. Under his guidance, the Washington Conference executive committee adopted a policy contradicting the Church Manual, the NAD Working Policy, and General Conference Working Policy. Incredibly, the policy was enacted just three months after the San Antonio decision refusing to permit subsections (Divisions, Unions, Conferences) to act independently of the world church. The Washington Conference is now operating in contradiction to the world church.

Now, the individual who chaired the committee which enacted this policy on the conference level, has been nominated to become president of the North Pacific Union.

No matter how sincere this individual, his role in the adoption of the Washington Conference policy makes him a symbol of defiance toward the General Conference.  We believe his nomination to be a grave error. Our congregations wish to remain in full harmony with the world church. We cannot support the candidacy of John Freedman for NPUC president. We ask that delegates send the report back to the nominating committee so that a different name may be considered for Union president.

Thank you for carefully considering this nomination and the facts of this matter.


  •             Stateline, OR Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 11, 2016
  •             Deer Park, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 12, 2016
  •             Heppner, OR Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 13, 2016
  •             Chewelah, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 14, 2016
  •             Winlock, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 15, 2016
  •             Onalaska, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 18, 2016
  •             West Plains Community, WA Seventh-day Adventist church, voted September 18, 2016
  •             Newport, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 19, 2016
  •             Valley View, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 20, 2016.
  •             Inchelium, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 22, 2016.
  •             Ione, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 23, 2016.
  •             Southcenter, WA Seventh-day Adventist church board, voted September 24, 2016.


Pertinent Documents:

1. Washington Conference Adopts “Mission-Focused Leadership Policy”


2. Further text of Washington Conference Mission-Focused Leadership Policy

3. NPUC Nominating Committee Recommends Freedman for President

4. General Conference Secretariat: “Unions and Ordination to the Gospel Ministry”: Subunits of the church--divisions, unions, conferences--do not have authority to set own criteria

5. Washington Conference Policy Challenged (“Winlock and Onalaska Churches Letter”)

6. Local Churches in Washington Call for Delegates to Reject John Freedman as NPUC President

7. Washington Conference Misleads on Policy

8. Washington Conference Policy two-column Comparison to Actual Church Documents

9. Who Should be NPUC President?


10. Delegate List