Bisexual Former SDA 'Pastor' Hints at New Ministry to NBC News

In an article at NBC News, Alicia Johnston makes a revealing statements her "new ministry" whatever that is.

"Many people have told me that they realize watching the video that I am truly joyful now, and there was always something missing before," she said. "They can see what an important shift this is for me, and they have chosen to be supportive of me and my new ministry . . ." 

Just what that ministry is, she doesn't say.  We can reasonably expect however, that that her new ministry will be evangelizing her new gay theology paradigm.  At a minimum, her 'ministry' is embarrassing the church on a national level.

Alicia also makes another interesting statement in the article that exposes the tortured worldview of paradox.  She claims to identify as bisexual--that's what started this whole mess.  Now she claims to identify as an Adventist, blending the opposites with all the ease of well-oiled postmodern subjectivity.  It's like saying "I'm warm cold."  Or good bad.

Johnston, who still identifies as an Adventist, said she hopes her story will help LGBTQ people of faith to know that they are not alone, and will encourage Christians to change their theology around LGBTQ people.

Now what?  Look for renewed scrutiny on the SDA church, charges of possible discrimination and greater numbers of sexual confusion cases.  That is quite a ministry--just not one from Heaven.

"Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" (1 Corinthians 10:11).