Green Colonialism

Dr. Robert Malone has recently drawn attention to the fact that first world “Green energy” policies, by their inefficiency, are making it much harder for poor countries to escape poverty.

Many developing nations are being forced to use green energy, which is expensive and inefficient, making it more difficult for billions of people to escape poverty. These policies, which are being aggressively pushed onto developing nations by the World Bank, the WEF, transnational corporations, and first world foreign aid czars, have become known as Green Colonialism.

International Public Policy Review, May 01, 2021 “Green colonialism… or the fight against climate change as an excuse for imperialism

Green colonialism, whether exercised consciously or unconsciously, is causing serious harm to indigenous populations as well as populations from the least developed countries. This issue is almost absent from the media, which can be explained by the difficulty the impacted populations have to raise awareness about their situation. It is therefore the most important fight to lead: make sure that their voices are heard so that policymakers listen to them. 

Financial institutions, multilateral development banks, UN/WEF, G20 leaders, activists and wealthy nations are all pressuring developing nations to stop hydrocarbon projects. They are lending money only for “green energy solutions”: solar and wind energy, despite the fact that hydrocarbons, and natural gas in particular, are significantly more economical and can provide more energy services to more people than renewables alone.

In 2021, during the COP 26 climate summit in Glasgow, the U.S. joined a group of some 20 countries that agreed to stop funding oil and gas projects in developing countries. As explained by one news outlet, the move “could take billions of dollars away from future fossil fuel production and redistribute it to low-carbon energy projects such as wind and solar. The agreement covers ‘unabated’ projects, which generally refers to fossil fuel facilities that don't capture carbon dioxide emissions. . . . The announcement goes beyond a separate agreement by the world’s largest economies last weekend to end public financing for international coal power development.” Also in 2021, the U.S. Treasury Department issued guidance for multilateral development banks “aimed at squeezing off fossil fuel financing except in certain circumstances.”

The availability of reliable electrical power is crucial for developing nations and their citizens to emerge from poverty. Natural gas is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels. It is widely distributed, abundant, and cleaner than other hydrocarbon products. The article titled Natural Gas Should Be Part of the Discussion at Summit for a New Global Financing Pact By NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber explains:

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA/ACCESSWIRE / June 22, 2023 / Somewhere at the intersection of money and climate are more than 600 million Africans who don't have access to electricity, 890 million Africans without methods for clean cooking, dozens of African nations that depend on hydrocarbons to fund just about every service they provide, and African industrial development that can't move forward unless it's powered by fossil fuels.

Yet this week, the politicians, banking experts, civil society group leaders, and others who are gathering at that intersection—at a two-day event organized by French President Emmanuel Macron called The Summit for a New Global Financing Pact—are pushing an agenda that appears to be putting financing for African natural gas projects, the presumptive solution to many of the continent's poverty woes, on the back burner.

Judith Curry is an expert on climate and global warming; she calls Green Colonialism “evil.”

It has been estimated that 5 billion people in the world are wearing clothes that were hand washed, due to a lack of cheap, affordable electricity. Hand washing clothes is back breaking, menial work, the bulk of which falls on women. This is a waste of labor that could be put to better and far more productive uses. Likewise, hand pumping and hand carrying water to homes and crops is another menial task that reliable electricity can eliminate. Until a country can free its’ citizens of such labor, it cannot compete with more developed nations. Solar and wind power cannot get a poor nation where it needs to be.

Why should Africans needlessly suffer because of green colonialism? Uganda's President Museveni wrote in a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Solar and Wind Force Poverty on Africa,” that “Africans have a right to use reliable, cheap energy, and doing so doesn’t prevent the development of the continent’s renewables. Forcing Africa down one route will hinder our fight against poverty.”

Other leaders have expressed their outrage at the situation:

Magatte Wade of Senegal, the Director of the African Center for Prosperity, asks Europeans, “What's the difference between you Germans who, when you need fossil fuels and you realize you still need it, you're going for it. Yet you're telling us Africans that we can't do it. Is it because I'm black? Is it because we're idiots? Is it because we're inferior? We want to become prosperous nations. We want to become prosperous people, but for that to happen, access to reliable and affordable energy is central, is key."
Jayaraj says, “The reality in developing countries is that the situation here is far worse than what is being portrayed in the media and the West. The countries here are already struggling to keep up with the energy demand, and for them to experiment with green technologies would be not so wise, especially when people are still living in the dark and hospitals are still struggling to get an electricity connection and we live in poverty."

If wealthy nations truly want to help poorer nations, and reduce the flow of immigration to wealthier nations, they need to stop the Green Colonialism and help establish and develop natural gas and other hydrocarbon energy sources.

Foreign policies involving forcing solar energy on nation states failed in the 1970s, and it is failing now. Germany and much of the EU are in the middle of an energy crisis as their green energy solutions have repeatedly failed. Wind energy has also proven to be costly, uneconomical, and bad for the local ecology as it kills birds en masse.

It is unjust that nations burdened down with poverty should not have the same opportunities to lift their citizens out of poverty the same way the wealthy nations did, with cheap, reliable fossil fuels.

The climate change boondoggles that have been a failure worldwide continue to be pushed onto developing nations—even as they have been shown to produce less energy for much higher prices. They are cruelly designed to keep developing nations from successfully getting rich. The poorest among their people are the ones who will suffer.

Green colonialism is real and must be stopped.

Source article A $900 million loan for oil-rich Angola to buy solar panels Jordan Peterson discusses Green Colonialism with Robert Bryce. CBN article on Green Colonialism

Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the Lord; “I will place him in the safety for which he longs.” Psalm 12:5