
The United States has reached a political and cultural event horizon. With each passing week the country we thought we knew appears to be no more. On the surface, it might be easy for some to dismiss just how bad things have become. Perhaps it's just a perfect storm of severe events. Maybe it's just because it's an election year. Or could it be that we have collectively as a country made bad choices that we'll eventually recover from?

The truth is that this year has become a point of no return. Indeed, this is a new normal that we have entered. We live in a strange era. People cannot agree on basic facts of reality, that something happened or did not happen. The level of trust in society and government is falling, while divisiveness is everywhere. People have lost faith in institutions, and feel abused or neglected by them. Media information is often suspect, misleading, or false. Mobs rule the streets of several major cities. So-called revolutionaries seize city blocks and call it a new country. It often feels that no one is at the helm of the country. To top it all off, we are being told that the Covid-19 situation is worsening and that we may have to lockdown again.

If you look only at the ongoing through the lens of the physical and tangible, it is increasingly difficult to find reasonable explanations for what is happening in the world. But know this: we are not going back to how things were because these events are about the adversary advancing forward in a spiritual war against humanity.

Any society must remain stable in order to function at an advanced level, so now that chaos has taken hold across the country and remains largely uncontested, we will experience a decline that would have seemed impossible a decade ago. Though every system is flawed, mob rule is the worst system we could possibly have. Under mob rule, laws, reason, and justice do not matter, being overpowered by people's worst instincts and whims. In that system, your rights – of speech, of self-defense, of a fair trial, and so on – no longer exist. Don't forget that it was the mob – and the fear of it – that led to Pontius Pilate to order the crucifixion of Jesus.

Don't think that just because the worst of it is not presently here or that you are not personally affected yet that this will not eventually come knocking – violently – at your door. Those who are promulgating this chaos have no intentions of stopping or listening to reason. What they will discover only too late, however, is that by destroying the old system they will help usher in a new system that deprives everyone of their liberties. All civil and religious liberties will be put down and replaced with a system of total control of the human race.

And then?

If you want to express an opinion or a belief, it must fit within the narrow scope of what is pre-approved for expression. If you want to be allowed to work and to go grocery shopping, do what the system tells you or be cut off from society. If you want to worship, it must be only the approved religion with its attendant practices.

Nothing this big happens by accident. The worst of it is yet to come and it is closer than you think.

Believe it.


Daven Milligan lives in Pell City, AL, and enjoys writing articles about faith, life and liberty.