The April-24 NAD Christian Nationalism Social Justice Polilib Woke Symposium

The idea that you can target an ethnic group with a collective crime, regardless of the specific guilt or innocence of the constituent elements of that group is the height of racism. There is nothing more racist than that.

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The Catholic Roots of Social Justice: The Vatican and the CCP

Communism puts the state in the place of God, while the Papacy places to the pope in the place of God. The Papacy is much more dangerous, as it disguises itself from its true roots and intentions.

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The NAD's Jose Cortez Jr. And Shawn Brace Defend The BLM Movement Again

What furious people want is avengement, and they don’t realize that our duty is to obtain justice not claiming justice, but by accepting the righteousness of God in His Son.

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Marxism and Black Lives Matter From A Black Adventist Perspective

They have been planning to do this for three years and the organization has gotten numerous democratic mayors to agree with them. Eventually, I believe the next thing they will try to do away with is the Bible because of how it was used and interpreted during slavery.

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Black Lives Matter & Black Tires

It seems to me the answer to issues that threaten black community is to SUPPORT Patriarchy, to strengthen both the role of Fathers and Mothers.

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Why a Christian Should Not Get Involved With Black Lives Matter

Thus racism is the new witchcraft. Just like Salem's witches, it’s everywhere and in everything. But, if everything is racist, nothing is.

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