Students From Walla Walla Protest Sabbath Sermon on Resolving LGBTQ Sin

Yesterday, Wayne Blakely from Know His Love Ministries spoke at the Stateline Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington. There were four meetings on Sabbath, each of them expounding on biblical sexuality, and God’s amazing ability to help people resolve wrong moral choices in their lives. The church was packed at every meeting, drawing large crowds.

The meeting also drew protesters, many of them from nearby Walla Walla University. These pro-LGBTQ protesters stood on the sidewalk outside, some of them waving signs that said “I’m gay, SDA, and it’s ok!”

A few of them came inside, expecting to hear what they naively title “hate speech” from the Bible, instead they heard compassion and truth.

As to Walla Walla, you may recall that they allowed a gay pride event on campus last year. The event was held in a large tent on Kretschmar Lawn. Several concerned alumni and church members contacted Walla Walla University and asked them to put a stop to such unbiblical capitulation.

They—unfortunately—had another gay pride event on campus this Friday from 2—5 pm, serving rainbow ice cream.


“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18).