Update #1. Monday at The GC Session, a Motion is Made To Discuss The 2015 ADCOM Statement

There are 1876 delegates present in Saint Louis. That is a quorum. The meeting started at 8 AM.

Artur Stele, GC Vice President, chaired the meeting. From Kazakhstan, Stele has a degree in pharmacy from Almaty Medical College in Kazakhstan, and a theological degree from Andrews University.

  • Ted Wilson gave a talk at 10 AM. Talked about mission and total member involvement.

  • At noon, there was a baptism of a military colonel from the Philippines along with his wife, with elder Wilson officiating. The mood in the room was supportive.

  • The business session began with a review of the electronic voting process and a test run. The voting system seemed to work as it should.

  • Around 12:15, delegate Johnathan Zirkle made a motion to add an agenda item. The chair denied it, saying that there was already a motion on the floor.

  • After the current motion was voted and finished, Zirkle went to microphone #8 and stated that he wished to introduce a motion. He said COVID has changed a lot of things in the church. It hurt us. He made a motion that we discuss the 2015 vaccine statement that was hurting numerous Adventists around the world—by eliminating religious objections for them. Either rescind it, or come up with a better statement.

  • Stele wasn’t sure how to respond, said this was a controversial issue. He eventually asked if there was a second to the motion. Zirkle pointed out that there were various seconds to the motion on the Zoom system. Stele objected and shut the motion down for lack of a second.

  • After another agenda item was considered, the Zoom came up on the screen and a lady from Canada named Faith Mackintosh said she seconded Zirkle’s motion to discuss and repeal the vaccination statement. Another brother, possibly from Trinidad, seconded Zirkle’s motion. Stele appeared inclined to dismiss it on the basis of process, but Todd McFarland (the Parlimentarian) spoke up and said there were some technical glitches with Zoom, and to deny the motion and its seconds would be to disenfranchise legitimate church members. So the motion was considered.

  • Ted Wilson went to the microphone and asked the delegates to vote against placing this item on the Session agenda. Usually, a GC president addresses the delegates once before officer selection, and that is all until after a president is chosen. But here, he was speaking again. He said “We stand united at the GC to ask this body to not consider this issue.” He said “it is not a constitution and bylaws issue, and not a church manual issue. It is not a fundamental belief. Some say it is their right to refuse what people try to force into their body. The GC has the position that everyone can make their decision. I would not have served in Africa if I wasn’t vaccinated.” The GC has not mandated that people take vaccination [editorial insertion—although they would not pay for employee travel unless they were COVID vaccinated]. He says they [GC] give people a choice, respect their freedom. It is an administrative item. Some don’t like it. That is their right. I respectfully ask that delegates vote no on placing this item on agenda.” He seemed visibly irritated and defensive. Numerous others expressed the same observation. There was applause after his remarks..

  • After some brief discussion, a sister from Canada said “We would have had freedom in Canada if there was no statement. The 2015 ADCOM Statement was used against us in Canada.”

  • Dragan Stojanovic confirms Ted Wilson remarks. Say people should go through the procedure to get an item on the agenda. “Even if it takes five years..”

  • Ken Mapp spoke. Called for discussion on the church supporting COVID vax and mandates. Spoke impassionately about the need to stand up for liberty.

  • Stele called for a vote to stop discussion.. A vote no is continue discussion. Yes is to stop discussion.

    Voting 12:54 pm…1872 votes… Time was given for electronic votes.

    • Votes to stop discussion=1581

    • Vote to continue=291

      There was applause at the vote outcome. In my view it was inappropriate, whatever the vote outcome. Stele should have asked the audience to refrain from clapping.

  • Then there was a vote on whether to add the 2015 Vaccination Statement motion to the Session Agenda.

    • Yes = 203

    • No = 1579

      Again there was applause from the delegates at the vote outcome.

  • Stele indicated the many people were probably ready for lunch, so we had prayer and broke for lunch.

Stay tuned!
