La Sierra Student Joins Class Action Lawsuit Against Department Of Education To Strip Colleges of Title IX Religious Exemptions

It was a matter of time.

Riding a wave of cultural deviation from biblical sexuality, a group of thirty-three LGBTQ individuals filed a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education on Monday.

What Do They Want?

They want the United States government to strip Title IX religious exemptions from Christian colleges and universities. Several universities are identified in the complaint description, although they are not ‘named’ in the suit per se. One of the plaintiffs is a student at Cedarville University—a conservative college near Xenia, Ohio. Another plaintiff is a student at La Sierra University.

This is a non-adversarial suit seeking a consent decree from a court as the settlement. A non-adversarial suit means that both parties named in the suit (33 Plaintifs vs. The US. Department of Education) are not in disagreement. Both parties see the First Amendment as a barrier to LGBTQ equality and intrinsic civil rights when it comes to the expression and approval of sexual deviation. The LGBTQ agenda (now a majority of corrupt western culture) views biblical religious organizations and individuals who disagree with the LGBTQ agenda as ‘discriminatory’ and thus should receive some sort of civil retribution..

Cameron Martinez

Cameron Martinez is a student at La Sierra University. He identifies as a queer, non-binary individual, and prefers to be called ‘they’. Apparently there are more than one person/identity living inside of him, thus the ‘they’ pronoun.

Mr. Martinez is also one of the founding members of PRISM. PRISM is a pro-LGBTQ group of students who attend La Sierra University. Their stated goals are to bring the LGBTQ community into the Seventh-day Adventist Church and network with the Intercollegiate Adventist GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Coalition.


  • I have visited Cedarville University on numerous occasions; completed projects for a couple PhD’s there, and found them to be committed to the Bible and the biblical view of sexuality. They believe and teach a literal six-day creation and resist efforts to import evolutionary theory into the Christian curriculum.

  • La Sierra has been promoting Darwinism as truth for about 25 years, throughout the administrations of Fritz Guy, Larry Geraty and Randal Wisbey.

  • Former president of La Sierra, Randal Wisbey named a center within the school of business after a mass abortionist and gambling venue owner, Edward C. Allred.

  • In spite of these departures from biblical Adventist faith at La Sierra, which I heartily condemn, I also have a mild commendation for them. La Sierra is to be commended for a portion in the 2021 student handbook which states,

In keeping with La Sierra University’s mission and its heritage as a uniquely Seventh-day Adventist university, we resolve to live consistently with traditional Christian values and teaching on sexuality and support the Seventh-day Adventist position on Homosexuality.

The Seventh-Day Adventist position on Homosexuality states: “The Bible makes no accommodation for homosexual activity or relationships. Sexual acts outside the circle of a heterosexual marriage are forbidden.”

  • Curiously, there is no mention of marriage being between a man and a woman in the La Sierra Student Handbook, such as is found the Walla Walla Student Handbook.

  • Lastly, this lawsuit and our current wicked culture serve as reminders that it is time for all Seventh-day Adventist schools to divorce themselves from federal funds. These funds all come with a line of control going back to an ungodly world and the prince of darkness.

  • in 2018, La Sierra received $524,813 from the Department of Education. They also received $23,001,213 in student aid.

Our schools must stand on their own financial merits, trusting in God. If we are faithful to Him, He will see us through. Let us repent of our affirmation seeking (financial and otherwise) from the world.

We have entered the perilous times prophesied in 2 Timothy 3:1—2, where culture and government are increasingly hostile to biblical Christian faith. This lawsuit is only one of a thousand spears pointing at the people of God—emanating from the Dragon, the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:9-11).

We have entered a time where faithfulness to God is a unique Christian witness that the world is dying to see. And like eternal life, it’s worth infinitely more than 23 million dollars.
