Shocking Ecumenical Development In Italy Involving Two Adventist Pastors

On June 12, there was an ecumenical celebration in Italy.

It was held on the 20th anniversary of the European Ecumenical Charter, and the tenth anniversary of the Council of Christian Churches. This meeting was claimed to be done in a ‘spirit of Pentecost.’

Two Adventist pastors were in attendance.

  • Michele Abiusi “You can't be a Christian without being ecumenical,” says pastor Abiusi of the Adventist Church. He wants to ecumenize all Adventist churches.

  • Gionatan Breci (associate Pathfinder AISA for central Italy).

The declaration at the end of this meeting was repeated in unison by the attendees. The declaration:

“We believe in one church, holy, catholic and apostolic. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come, Amen.”

Under the guise of making friends, some individuals in the SDA Church are forming interfaith alliances with other Churches and organizations, including the Roman Catholic Church, and the United Nations. We believe that these people are playing with fire.
