Dr. Dan and the School Board (Updated)

Below is the latest viral video regarding Covid-19 and the vaccines that are supposed to hold it in check. It features Dr. Dan Stock’s comments to the Mt. Vernon, Indiana, Community School Corporation:

NOTE: As expected, YouTube, which is owned by Google, Removed the video. Below is the link to Rumble.


There are several interesting issues packed into this short, six-minute comment, one of which is that those who have recovered from the disease have no benefit whatsoever from the vaccine—no reduction of symptoms, no reduction of hospitalization—but they suffer adverse reaction to the vaccine at two to four times the normal rate.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement

Dr. Dan also mentions antibody-mediated viral enhancement, which is when a vaccine makes the illness worse than it otherwise would have been. Antibody-mediated viral enhancement, also known as antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) has dogged all attempts to create a vaccine for the SARS Coronovirus, beginning over 15 years ago and continuing to the present. Dr. Dan believes that the upsurge in Covid-19 infections in the middle of the summer suggests that this vaccine might be making Covid-19 worse. ADE deserves a separate blog post, and we hope to do one on that topic in the coming days.

Vaccine Passports

Another very important point is that the vaccine does not prevent infections, and does not prevent the spread of the infection. He states that no vaccine stops infection, but this assertion may not be correct. I recently read an article stating that there are such things as “sterilizing” vaccines that do prevent infection. Be that as it may, everyone is in agreement that the Covid-19 vaccine does NOT prevent infection.

The claim for these vaccines is that they generally—although not always—prevent the infection from developing into severe illness. If the vaccine’s proponents are correct, a vaccinated person might be carrying a high viral load yet without suffering any symptoms; hence, ironically, such a person will be more likely to spread the virus than a non-vaccinated person, who might become symptomatic (and thus stay home and in bed) with a lesser viral load.

What this means is that “vaccine passports” are a total fraud. A vaccinated person is just as likely, if not more likely, to spread the disease as a non-vaccinated person. As Dr. Dan says, there is no scientific reason whatsoever for treating vaccinated persons different from the unvaccinated. And yet governments and corporations are imposing a regime in which the vaccinated are allowed to resume their normal lives while the unvaccinated are effectively confined to their homes.

The Civil Liberty Implications

What has concerned many of us from the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak is that although the disease is “real,” meaning that people are being sickened and some are dying, the ruling authorities have reacted to the disease with civil and human rights violations far worse than the disease itself. Freedom is of a piece, so any loss of freedom is a loss of religious freedom as well, but we immediately saw religious freedom implicated by the loss of freedom to worship corporately and publicly in churches. There is no science behind the “vaccine passport; the “vaccine passport” is a blatant example of government stripping away basic rights and freedoms, based not on science but on false information and irrational fear. As with ADE, the fraudulence of the “vaccine passport” deserves a separate blog post.

The Virus Will Not Be Eradicated

The main point Dr. Dan is making is that you cannot eradicate an airborne respiratory virus, first because the vaccine is not a sterilizing vaccine, i.e., it does not prevent infection, and second because the virus has animal “reservoirs” in which it can survive, even if it could be eradicated in the human population. Hence, the measures that are intended to eradicate the virus are a waste of time and effort. It is not going to happen, but if the ruling elites can convince the people that we need to be chasing the will-o’-the-wisp of eradication, they can keep this crisis going for as long as they want to, as long as its suits their political purposes, which might be forever.

What we should be focused on instead is on therapeutics, such as Ivermectin, that can treat the disease and help people recover faster.


Dr. Dan is the special object of scorn of lawyer/history professor Nick Miller in Miller’s recent editorial in the Lake Union Herald. Miller ridicules Dr. Stock for having taken further education to become a “Functional Medicine Doctor.”

“So maybe you have seen the viral video, a ‘Functional Medicine Doctor’ regaling an Indiana school board with his expert insights into the Covid virus, and the shortcomings of the vaccines, and why his scientific insights into the matter are vastly superior to the CDC, NIH, and the Indiana Board of Health . . . Some skepticism on your part would be justified. (Especially once you understand that a ‘Functional Medicine Doctor’ certificate can be obtained by any licensed health professional, including nurses, dentists, pharmacists, or acupuncturists, with a few months of additional training.)”

Please note that Dan Stock is a Medical Doctor, a 1988 graduate of the University of Indiana School of Medicine, and has 33 years of experience practicing medicine. Miller seems to imply that Stock’s education, training, and experience have all somehow been negated by Stock having taken further education to become a “Functional Medicine Doctor.” What is a Functional Medicine Doctor? According to WebMD:

“Functional medicine doctors use specialized training and techniques to find the root causes of complex illnesses. They may investigate multiple factors causing a condition, or they may look into multiple conditions causing one symptom.

A doctor in functional medicine works holistically, considering the full picture of your physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual health.

They consider factors like diet, genetics, hormonal changes, prescription and over the counter medications, and other lifestyle components. This type of doctor may be ideal for people with chronic illnesses that aren't easily managed by conventional medical techniques.”

It escapes me why Nick Miller finds this approach to healing to be such a rich source of slapstick and hilarity; it sounds very much like Ellen White’s approach to health—the lifestyle approach that Seventh-day Adventists have always taught.

I don’t think Nick’s real problem with Dr. Dan is his qualifications; Miller doesn’t think Peter McCullough is qualified either, and McCullough is an academic scientist with 700 published papers. He just doesn’t like what Stock and McCullough (and countless other doctors and scientists) are saying, because it doesn’t support the official Leftist narrative Miller subscribes to.

The gist of Miller’s piece seems to be that the widespread rebellion we are witnessing against unelected medical bureaucrats is a misapplication of Luther’s doctrine of the priesthood of the believer. I doubt that many who are uncomfortable with, for example, being forced to take a vaccine, have thought about it in terms of the Protestant Reformation, but even within that odd prism, I disagree with Miller. I don’t think being tyrannized by Anthony Fauci is preferable to being priest-ridden. (For all I know, Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit priest.)

Nick Miller wants to give you a choice: take the jab or be a prisoner in your own home:

“I'm not arguing for mandatory vaccination. But I am saying that your choice not to be vaccinated will appropriately come with limitations on community participation, work and travel.”

There is no scientific justification whatsoever for this position. As noted above, these vaccines do not prevent infection, nor do they prevent a vaccinated person from spreading the virus. The claim is only that they usually prevent the infection from developing into severe illness. There is no scientific reason whatsoever for treating vaccinated persons different from the unvaccinated.

That being case, and it certainly is the case based upon what we know at this point, there is no reason to try to force people to be vaccinated. The spirit of compulsion being exhibited by the pro-vaccination crowd is simply demonic.


Here is a transcript of the talk:

“Dr. Dan Stock, 5777 West 700 North, Mccordsville, Indiana.

To address your comment, geez, it’s hard to believe we’re 18 months into this and still having a problem, and I would suggest the reason we still have a problem is because we’re doing things that are not useful and we’re getting our sources of information from the Indiana State Board of Health and the CDC, who actually don’t bother to read science before they do this.

I’m actually a functional family medicine physician. And that means that I am specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation, and everything being recommended by the CDC and the State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.

So things you should know about coronavirus and all other respiratory viruses. They are spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask, by the way. The literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive that we’ve presented to you has been given to the secretary.

As a matter of fact, it quotes at least 3 studies sponsored by the NIH to that exact fact, even though the CDC and the NIH have chosen to ignore the very science that they paid to have done.

That is why you keep struggling with this, is because you cannot make these viruses go away. The natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter, or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease. Because they cannot be filtered out and they have animal reservoirs.

And this is a very important point. No one can make this virus go away. The CDC has managed to convince everybody that we can handle this like we did small pox, where we could make a virus go away. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs. The only thing it learned to infect was humans. That’s why we’re able to make that virus go away. That will not happen with this anymore than it will with influenza, the common cold, respiratory syncitial virus, adenoviral respiratory syndromes or anything else that has animal reservoirs. So the reason you can’t do this is because you’re trying to do something which has already been tried and can’t be done.

Equally important is that vaccination changes none of this, especially with this vaccine. And I would hope this board would start asking itself, before it considers taking the advice of the CDC, the NIH, and the State Board of Health, ‘why were you doing things about this that we didn’t do for the common cold, influenza, or respiratory syncitial virus?’

And then ask yourself, why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective, having a breakout in the middle of the summer when respiratory viral syndromes don’t do that? And to help you understand that, you need to know the condition that is called ‘antibody mediated viral enhancement’. That is a condition done when vaccines work wrong, as they did in EVERY coronavirus study done in animals, on coronaviruses after the SARS outbreak, and done in respiratory syncitial virus where a vaccine used in a vulnerable individual, done the wrong way, which by – cannot be done right for respiratory virus, which has a very low pathogenicity rate, causes the immune system to actually fight the virus wrong and let the virus become WORSE than it would with native infection.

And that is why you’re seeing an outbreak right now. In fact, in that flash drive you’re going to have coming to you and in the emails with 6 extra, there’ll be a study showing that 75% of people who had COVID-19 positive symptom cases in Barnstable, Massachusetts outbreak, were FULLY vaccinated. [audience applauds]

Therefore, there is no reason for treating any person vaccinated any differently than any person unvaccinated. You should also know that NO vaccine, even the ones that I support and would give to myself and my children, EVER stops infection.

In 2014, there was outbreaks of mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people who came down with symptoms were the people who are unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy, that sounds like a great argument for vaccines. But a question that you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had NO contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual: ‘where did they get the disease?’ And the answer was, from the VACCINATED individuals.

No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected. You shed pathogen. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don’t get symptomatic from it. So you cannot stop spread. You cannot make these numbers that you’ve planned on get better by doing any of the things you’re doing. Because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens. And you can’t prevent it with a vaccine because they don’t do they very thing you’re wanting them to do.

And you will be chasing this the remainder of your life until you recognize that the Center for Disease Control and the Indiana State Board of Health are giving you very bad scientific guidance, and instead read the articles that are going to come in the email and on this flash drive and listen to the people in this audience here tonight who actually have recognized the advice they are getting from the CDC and the NIH is counter factual. And that’s why you’re still fighting this with this vaccine that is supposedly was gonna make all of this go away, but it suddenly managed to make an outbreak of COVID-19 develop in the middle of the summer when vitamin D levels are at their highest.

By the way, the other thing that would be necessary any vaccine and restriction to be considered is if there were no other treatment available. And I can tell you, having treated over fifteen COVID-19 patients, that between active loading with vitamin D, Ivermectin, and zinc, that there is not a single person who has come anywhere near the hospital. And we already have studies that show that if you achieve a 25 hydroxy vitamin D level greater than 55, your risk of COVID-19 death will drop down to one quarter of the population average for the United States. And there are active treatment trials included on that flash drive that show the same is true.

So if you were going to discriminate based upon vaccine, you should also discriminate based upon 25 hydroxy vitamin D level, zinc taste test response, and probably previous infections since there are also studies on that flash drive that show that people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection actually get no benefit from vaccination AT ALL. No reduction in symptoms, no reduction in hospitalization, and suffer 2-4 times the rate of side effects if they are subsequently vaccinated.

Therefore the policies that you are basing on are totally counter factual. I don’t blame this board for that, ’cause I know you aren’t scientists and you’ve thought it was reasonable to listen to the CDC, NIH and the Indiana State Board of Health, but I would encourage that instead you listen to the people out here in this audience and read what’s on that data drive.

And if anybody here in this board has any questions about anything on that, I will happily come back and sit with you individually if you would like to explain the science behind this, and if you’re worried about being sued by somebody because you don’t follow the guidance of the CDC and the NIH, I will tell you, you have a free pro-bono expert testimony at your disposal. [audience applauds] I will testify in defense of this board turning down all these recommendations for free, at any time, in any court. Thank you.”